I started out by swinging up by my old high school because I knew that the small engines class sometimes threw away a lot of good metal. When I got there 6 mower decks and an aluminum ladder were sitting next to the dumpster so I called my old teacher up and asked if I could take them, he gave me the green light so I loaded them up and headed home. On the way I saw a pile of stuff in a driveway that looked like garage sale left overs so I pulled up and went to the door to ask if I could pick through it. That man said no problem and I got a few goodies including two fertilizer spreaders and a weed whip. while I was picking through the pile the neighbor stopped mowing his lawn and asked what I do with all the mowers so I told him I recycled them.he then asked if I save the engines, yes I do, so he asked if I wanted a john deere mower that had a bad deck but a great engine, Heck Yea! So we loaded it up and I gave him one of my sheets with things I take, what I do, and contact info. told him to give me a call if he had anything and he said he would because he was in the process of moving. anyway sorry for the long post but it was a good day considering that all happened in 20 minutes! haha