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I am really liking ewaste more and more

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    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    I am really liking ewaste more and more

    So after tearing into about 4 computers, I decided to search ebay just to see if any of it would sell for more than scrap value.

    I checked an amd athlon 64 x2 chip

    2gb stick of ram

    and a sound pci card.

    After searching ebay and seeing just the minimum of what all 3 sold for, I have $35 just in those 3 items.

    I know, that is not to say that if I listed them right now, I make them or more, but it gives me a real good feeling to know that something small can bring in the same as 350+ lbs of metal.

    Another thing I checked was a pair of brass vintage duck book ends (or paper weights). Those are selling for: $20 to $35
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  3. #2
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    If you're tearing up a pc that's still fairly decent and not really considered old (3-6 years old, meaning hyper-thread or dual-core and above, usually ones with native SATA), some of the parts will still fetch a decent price on ebay. 6-14 year old pc's (486/Pentium, PII, PIII, older P4) are right in that escrap time frame that isn't really worth your time selling on ebay, unless you pull a unique card out of the system. Anything older than 15 years, it's good to check vintage sales on items from the pc.

  4. #3
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    For certain the gold rush will create vintage sales with PC's as time marches on
    I remember when crashed 486 and below could be found for $5 in the papers year 2000
    Last edited by Copper Head; 05-31-2012 at 03:55 AM.

  5. #4
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by AJR View Post
    If you're tearing up a pc that's still fairly decent and not really considered old (3-6 years old, meaning hyper-thread or dual-core and above, usually ones with native SATA), some of the parts will still fetch a decent price on ebay. 6-14 year old pc's (486/Pentium, PII, PIII, older P4) are right in that escrap time frame that isn't really worth your time selling on ebay, unless you pull a unique card out of the system. Anything older than 15 years, it's good to check vintage sales on items from the pc.
    Unfortunately, I am not very technical, so some of the stuff you said, is like greek to me. I am, however, eagerly learning right now.

    I have been seeing more money in ewaste then in most scrap metal items as of late.

    Also, what I did for ebay, is I typed in serial numbers, product names, etc until I found images identical to what I was holding in my hand.

    Then, I checked the completed listings, and took all the green numbers and looked at the minimum number..that is how I came up with the figures.

    Like I said, there is no guarantee that if I listed the 3 items now, I walk with $40 or more dollars, but does feel good to know that I could.

  6. #5
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    So, I been thinking...for all the escrap recyclers we have here, have any of you done what I did? Looked at places like or any where for that matter, and see some of the goodies you have could go for more than scrap value and went that route, instead of selling for per lb?

  7. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If your comfortable working with Ebay then it definitely is the way to go. Why make two dollars scrapping it when you can make ten thru Ebay. Just an example but you get what we mean. We really didn't have to tell you this, did we?? Look what PartTimeScrapper did when he started investigating the Ebay route with his stuff, he found a good market and better money there.
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  9. #7
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    If your comfortable working with Ebay then it definitely is the way to go. Why make two dollars scrapping it when you can make ten thru Ebay. Just an example but you get what we mean. We really didn't have to tell you this, did we?? Look what PartTimeScrapper did when he started investigating the Ebay route with his stuff, he found a good market and better money there.
    I was just wanting other people's opinions on it. Meaning is it worth the time to post an auction on ebay or anywhere else, and already know your out money for the ad, then taking that 50/50 change of whether it will sell or not, or just saying the heck with it, and selling it for scrap prices.

    I will most likely sell the ram and valuable chips on ebay a few times to see how things go, and the rest of the goodies to a buyer.

  10. #8
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I have taken the plunge and am using ebay more often and have actually sold a few things but I prefer selling by the lb......however with metal going down ebay might get more of my traffic on some stuff that is borderline scrap material

  11. #9
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    George r u just getting into escrap?.. I may be a hoarder but I sell a lot on evilbay..good prices for sure..

  12. #10
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    George I have used Craigslist and getting some good return on things i get at shed and house cleanouts. I would try listing a couple of items in the computer section and the material sections. Specifically target the people who build gaming computers in your ad. Those guys are always looking for 1gig plus of ram, 750-800 watt power supplies and videocards. If you want them to move see what ebay prices are and list them for 5-10 bucks cheaper. That is what you would basically be paying in fees and such to ebay anyway.
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  13. #11
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I have taken the plunge and am using ebay more often and have actually sold a few things but I prefer selling by the lb......however with metal going down ebay might get more of my traffic on some stuff that is borderline scrap material
    Yeah, metal prices are only good for maybe 4 to 5 months out of a 12 month period. So, definitely have to fill the void of all the down time, and escrap for now is it!

    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    George r u just getting into escrap?.. I may be a hoarder but I sell a lot on evilbay..good prices for sure..
    Yes and No. I have been involved for quite sometime. HOWEVER, I am the only member on here most likely that does not pay for anything that I get...metal, junk, electronics, etc. These markets are so fluctuating, that it simply isnt worth the headache of keeping up with it all, so everything that I do, I charge for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BRASSCATCHER View Post
    George I have used Craigslist and getting some good return on things i get at shed and house cleanouts. I would try listing a couple of items in the computer section and the material sections. Specifically target the people who build gaming computers in your ad. Those guys are always looking for 1gig plus of ram, 750-800 watt power supplies and videocards. If you want them to move see what ebay prices are and list them for 5-10 bucks cheaper. That is what you would basically be paying in fees and such to ebay anyway.
    Yeah, a lot of re usable, sellable items I have gotten from all sorts of clean out (junk removal) jobs. Sometimes I keep the items, sometimes I sell the items, sometimes I scrap them, donate, give a way, etc.

    Thanks for the valuable idea/tip brass catcher. I will definitely place a few ads to see about getting some local, regular buyers that are always looking to buy, etc.

    Will also try it with some PC repair shops as well.

  14. #12
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Will also try it with some PC repair shops as well.
    You might try what a couple of others are doing, work out a trade deal with a repair shop and trade your good parts for double of their dead parts. They get the good stuff and you get a good supply of recyclable stuff.

  15. #13
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You might try what a couple of others are doing, work out a trade deal with a repair shop and trade your good parts for double of their dead parts. They get the good stuff and you get a good supply of recyclable stuff.

    So like they get say 30 1gb sticks of ram, and you get double of what that is worth in items that is not selling or no longer good to them right?

    I might be a little off on the understanding, but I do get it for the most part.

    Would be a good idea to try as well. Or to even sell it to them for say 1/2 the value and exchange make the other 1/2 up in stuff they cant use/sell.

    Before I venture that route, I just need to educate myself more, to ensure I don't get ripped off lol

  16. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    So like they get say 30 1gb sticks of ram, and you get double of what that is worth in items that is not selling or no longer good to them right?
    I might be a little off on the understanding, but I do get it for the most part.
    Would be a good idea to try as well. Or to even sell it to them for say 1/2 the value and exchange make the other 1/2 up in stuff they cant use/sell.
    Before I venture that route, I just need to educate myself more, to ensure I don't get ripped off lol
    You got the basic idea but it won't be exactly a 2 for 1, you and the shop/repairman will need to haggle over it to get a deal that is fair for both of you. No need for either one of you to feel that the other guy got over on them.

  17. #15
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You got the basic idea but it won't be exactly a 2 for 1, you and the shop/repairman will need to haggle over it to get a deal that is fair for both of you. No need for either one of you to feel that the other guy got over on them.
    I do agree. I am all about being fair. I mean heck, I am sure if I could supply them with something that they constantly need for FREE or very little, then they would be happy to give me stuff that just isnt selling for them.

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  19. #16
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    If you are going to try to sell/trade with a computer repair place, before tearing down the tower you should power that bad boy up and see if its running or not. If you know someone that is knowledgable with computers that can do this then you can approach whoever you are going to trade/sell to with a definitive answer that what you are selling is in working order. I put my dad to work doing this since he has worked with computers since the early seventies. He is retired now so it keeps him busy and out of my mothers Also gets me whatever I want for dinner when I visit on Sundays!!!!!

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