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Sunday Breakdown

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
  1. #1
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Sunday Breakdown

    I pulled the truck up in front of the house today and worked on the tailgate. Had a good amount of scrap wire, couldn't find the will to try to get the goods out of the BX. Here are a few pics. Will post tomorrow how much after I hit the yard.

    Had do break out the new scale and do an experiment. Here are the results.

    1lbs. Insulated = >$0.75 .73lbs. = $1.89 Increase of $1.14 per lb.

  2. #2
    Geiser093 started this thread.
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    Early morning scrap run results. $112.85

    Alum. 7lbs. @ $0.55 = $3.85
    Cast Alum. 14lbs. @ $0.50 = $7.00 (1 grill lid)
    #1 Copp 2lbs. @ $2.75 = $5.50
    #2 Copp 16lbs. @ $2.60 = $36.40 ($8.40 unstripped)
    Ins Wire 19lbs. @ $0.60 = $11.40
    Batteries 5lbs. @ $0.24 = $1.20
    Motors 87lbs. @ $0.20 = $17.40
    Shredder 280lbs. @ $9.50(100) = $26.60

    Hey better to start the week with a hundred than 0. Not a bad Sunday evening.

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  4. #3
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Good going Geiser! And you are correct, $100 is better than zero dollars! I noticed your prices are around the same as my yard paid out this week except for the batteries, mine dont buy batteries.

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