just a little update. my boss is dragging his feet on making a decision. i have given up on this entire project. If he approaches me and tells me to take it away for scrap, then so be it, if not, I refuse to continue hounding the man about it.
It really doesnt make much sense to me. He had absolutely no problem with giving me over 18k pounds of steel AND paid me to haul it away, all the time knowing that i was taking it all straight to the scrap yard. Then about 3 weeks ago my Well (water well) went KAPLOOEY and I asked for either one of our company 2% small interest loans and instead of even allowing me to apply he said, naw just bring your trailer in the morning and I will pay you for half the day and give you those two huge pallets of 6"x8"x3\8ths Wall Sqaure Tubing and four 35ft DEAD Router Bridges. I mean, that steel netted me well over $2,000 at the scrap yard and he could have sold it himself to the same yard, without paying me to haul it away. BTW the scrap yard that I use is also the same yard that buys all of our scrap at the shop. I mean, don't get me wrong, he helped me just because I needed help and he didnt ask for any % of the scrap earnings.
I am thankful for my job. I got hired with 0 experience and no qualified skills (other than wanting to work, regardless of the task and being able to read a tape measure). And, I am thankful that the company is growing, we are getting more and more customers of late , new parts = new money coming in and some of the new parts we are custom machining or grinding are calling for new machines. That being said there are atleast FOUR completely dead machines, sitting, taking up space, not having been operated since the late 1980's and instead of arranging for me to break the machines down on my spare time and getting a full 50% split and using that $$$ to put towards new machinery, he just ignors the giant beasts and allows them to sit, not moving in over 20 YEARS !!!!!, MAking $0\hr. Is it just me or does this make sense to you guys and gals(question mark key doesnt work) Ha.