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AC Unit and Handler

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
  1. #1
    garrett started this thread.
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    AC Unit and Handler

    Alright, so my buddys (scrap partner) a/c system went out in his house, yada yada, so we have a unit and handler and i was wondering the best way to "piece" it out, and what to remove and all that to get the most money. I was hoping yall would have some good hints and tips, and maybe a video or something. Thanks as always!

  2. #2
    garrett started this thread.
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    Posted in wrong section

    Can someone move this to the dismanteling section for me? Im not sure how to do it. Thanks!

  3. #3
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    If the furnace was gas, then pull the fan motor, gas valve (dirty AL), burner nozzles (brass) wiring and control board (low grade I believe).

    If is was electric, pull the fan motor, wiring and heating element wire (it's all ni-chrome).

  4. #4
    garrett started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    If the furnace was gas, then pull the fan motor, gas valve (dirty AL), burner nozzles (brass) wiring and control board (low grade I believe).

    If is was electric, pull the fan motor, wiring and heating element wire (it's all ni-chrome).
    It was electric, im mainly wondering about the outside unit though

  5. #5
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    Was the frigerant removed from the system?

  6. #6
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    1. Remove the refrigerant with a reclaimer. A 300 lb tank of R-12 can yield over $2000. Of course, you need your refrigerant handling license.
    2. Cut out all copper lines. There is also a "sausage" shaped piece that is sometimes copper. There may be steel inside it, in which case you can sell to your yard for 40-60% recovery.
    3. Take the aluminum/copper radiators. If you cut the steel ends off with a sawz-all, you can make quite a lot with a large amount of them.
    4. Sell the rest as scrap steel.

  7. #7
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    Here in NC you must have a "letter head" or other suitable documentation of where you obtained the A\C Unit before a scrap yard will buy copper\aluminum rads or the sealed motors from you, UNLESS you are an AC repair or install business. Make sure to check with your local scrap yard before you haul it up there.

  8. #8
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    take a sawzall and after it is evacuated, run it down the inside of the steel at the ends of the radiator. if you dont the yard will give you half of the price of clean, and it only takes a minute. take your saw and cut the shaft of the electric fan motor. while you have the saw there finish cutting the copper off of the condensor motor, and clean it off the valves. pull the copper "noodles" as my daughter calls them off the steel you cut from the radiators, and you should end up with a few pounds of copper 2, about 30-60# of clean radiator, the motor, and your condensor motor. up here some yards wont pay more for them and some give you just under motor price for them. should also have a few # of number 2 wiring and a few pounds of steel. at least that is how i usually break them down. after you do a few you can get them done in about 10 minutes.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by theelectronrecycler View Post
    Here in NC you must have a "letter head" or other suitable documentation of where you obtained the A\C Unit before a scrap yard will buy copper\aluminum rads or the sealed motors from you, UNLESS you are an AC repair or install business. Make sure to check with your local scrap yard before you haul it up there.
    I get a lot of copper/aluminum radiators from hot water, chilled water, and steam systems. I'm curious if the yards you go to in NC require the same documentation for coils/radiators like these even though it was just water or glycol passing through the coils.

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