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Far as I've seen with them, that's it. What are you using to cut them open? Are you sure you're getting a good profit (Return On Investment)? I started cutting an AC compressor with a Sawzall and figured it wasn't worth the time it was taking. How much copper did you get from one compressor?
well I get the compressors for free. I use an angle grinder with a metal cutting wheel on it. They cost about $1.50 per wheel and I can scarp about 4-5 compressors with 1. (I have tons a wheels to so thats not an issue. The compressors are very large, I am getting about 4 lbs on average from each compressor from the wiring and some also have copper tubing. takes about 10min per compressor to set it up, cut it open, unscrew the bolts( wish I had a power tool for those **** hex nuts) and get all the copper wire out. So not to bad. thats about 12 from copper alone. plus the casings/motors are pretty **** heavy. Some of the parts inside look like what I think is tin, some iron and some aluminum.
Edit: These compressors are about 80-100 lbs each. I have some small 30-45 lbs ones.....not sure if those would be worth the time....I have not cut on open yet.