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does trimming the gold leads on the motherboards devalue them? - Page 3

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  1. #41
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    This post touches on the subject of morals and ethics to some extent. I have written, then deleted a response several times already from yesterday to today. I don't want what I have to say to be taken the wrong way, and hope that I have worded it so as to make my point and not offend anyone.

    Lets say I was collecting pennies and putting them in piles of 100 pennies each and had 100 piles, to sell for $1.00 each. Before I took them to the person I was selling to, i decided to remove .10 cents out of each of my piles, and then threw all those piles of pennies into one giant pile and took it down to the person I was selling to. I tell the person buying that I have 100 piles of 100 pennies and I would like 100 dollars for all of it. Is that right or wrong?

    I can understand removing gold fingers off mobos, I can even understand removing some of the items that are not physically connected by solder to the board, but not ICs, Proms, Eproms, CPUs, etc. So long as the person buying can view all the boards, and knows what has been removed I don't really see any issue. But this is not possible in large lots.

    If you are selling thousands of lbs of material, and using the old "buyer beware" saying, and stating that the buyer has the opportunity to view the material before purchase is laughable. When dealing with 1000s of lbs of material, there is no real way to check, before purchasing, what may or may not have been removed. Only once the material has been processed for it's values will the processor know if they have been ripped off or not.

    This is the reason why you don't get good prices at the scrap yard for your material, and why if you go directly to the refiner and process it yourself, you get so much more. The scrap yard must build in a certain amount of buffer. If they can process high grade motherboards at a refiner and get a value of $7.00 per lb, then they can only pay you $2-$3 per lb because there will be some people who will strip as much material off the boards as possible in an attempt to make more money before selling to the scrap yard, so their $7.00 per lb ends up reduced to $5-$6 dollars per lb instead. In a perfect world where everyone is dealing with everyone honestly, the scrap yard purchasing the material would be able to pay more because they would know they were buying the real value. They would know they were getting 100 pennies for their dollar.

    I figure the cost of my labor into all the work I do, I discovered that for me to do certain things to get more value out of my material cost me more in labor than I was willing to spend. If I instead processed other material I would actually make more profit. Instead of focusing so much on what you can remove from a board in order to trick the scrapyard, if you spent that same time, effort and energy into processing more valuable items you will serve yourself far better. The scrap yard will learn you deal with them honestly and not hassle you so much or try to devalue your material to cover loss they expect. Everyone will do better.

    But if you removing things of value off a board, don't then complain when the scrap yard devalues material of yours that shouldn't be devalued. They probably realize from processing lots with your material in them, that they are not getting their value, and attempting to alter your sale so as to make their profit margin. You have effectively created a combative situation with your scrap yard rather than corroborative. Your mentality should be to cooperate with your scrap yard, not combative.

    I work WITH scrappers, we are partners, I will not have scrap to process unless there are people willing to invest the time, effort and energy to break material down into a form I can more easily deal with on a larger scale. And if they deal with me honestly I will continue to do business with them.

    Last edited by NobleMetalWorks; 08-10-2013 at 08:37 AM.
    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

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  3. #42
    happyisthealero started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by billygoat View Post
    You saved me soooo much time thank you!! Can you come over and organize my garage now?? please??

  4. #43
    billygoat's Avatar
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    You sound like my uncle. I never charge him for anything because he's family.

    On the other hand, if the price is right (including labor, material, travel, lodging, and meals), if the price is right I'll be on my way as soon as I receive the retainer.

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  6. #44
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    I am going to throw my thoughts on this, and it is really simple. The real question here is "Will I get a premium price on motherboards that have the fingers"?

    If your buyer is not paying a premium if they are left on, then you should not get downgraded for them being taken off.

  7. #45
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    Ok, did some research... if you trim the fingers along the edge of the board, its still consider motherboard.. Not.. low.. not medium just plain Mobo..

    if you remove cpu sockets, slot or anything other then the trimming off the bottom of the HP board that has a gold finger its consider mobo.. now here the catch..

    most of them HP boards are NOT Green Board they are CHI boards, so.. if you trim it, then they go into the chi boards, if you leave em on they go into the mobo. so Basically PartTime Scrapper is correct.. but it Does Not NOT GO INTO LOW BOARDS
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  9. #46
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Some buyers penalize for not removing the heatsinks on the northbridge and southbridge chips. Im not going to take the time to remove heatsinks from 1000 pounds of motherboards im just going to find another buyer for them. I remove the lithium batteries from the boards and into a box they go.
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  11. #47
    grouchyolddude's Avatar
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    just 'ponderin'... 1k lb mobos...approx. 600 boards?
    .5 ounce p/heat sink X 2 p/board... 600 ounces=37.5lb of AU @ .50 p/lb..$16.87
    mmmm.. if yer docked .50 lb ?? (just a guestimate) on 1k lbs... $500 .25 p/lb $250..
    ...I guess it depends on how much they would dock you, and what yer time is worth. As is usual with breaking down scrap ...
    I would think I could go through a couple hundred boards p/hour.. $75-$100 p/hr ???
    "Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know WHY I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and all of those roads weren't paved"-Will Rogers

  12. #48
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Yeah Grouchy, good point. It only takes me a second to remove the heatsinks. I usually do that right away anyway so that I don't have to handle the same item twice.

    Not only does your post make sense, consider that on top of it all you are giving them free money by donating the heatsinks to them (on top of the penalty they charge for the labor required to remove them).

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  14. #49
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    does trimming the gold leads on the motherboards devalue them?


    what is a CHI board? not familiar with that term.

  15. #50
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by directrecycle View Post

    what is a CHI board? not familiar with that term.
    Don't want to steal his thunder but it's Chinese. You know, the colored boards.
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  17. #51
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    does trimming the gold leads on the motherboards devalue them?

    gotcha. thought I might have been missing out on something

  18. #52
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    I would devalue your boards if you not remove the heatsink... and the cpu plate from the bottom.. It cost Me money to refine it by the pound.. why pay for example 2.00 per pound per say for alum heatsink.. or metal on the bottom of the boards... So yes... I would devalue the boards, it cost Me money in labor to remove them so I don't get charge for sumthing that only value at 50 cents per pound and be charged 2.00 per pound per say.

    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    Some buyers penalize for not removing the heatsinks on the northbridge and southbridge chips. Im not going to take the time to remove heatsinks from 1000 pounds of motherboards im just going to find another buyer for them. I remove the lithium batteries from the boards and into a box they go.

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  20. #53
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    sorry for my short terms... but yes china boards.. yah know rainbow colors..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Don't want to steal his thunder but it's Chinese. You know, the colored boards.

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