This is one of the questions that comes up often on the forum, including today.
there is no one single answer to this question.
It depends on several factors i.e., what size, what type, what coating, (one type commonly called jelly wire usually found in TVs will dive you nuts.)
Other factors also have bearing on your decision such as, the size and type of your operation, the equipment you have, the difference in price of stripped wire and bare at YOUR particular yard. there are times when stripping wire can even cost you actual cash in addition to the time involved.
are you an sss (survival/ supplemental scrapper) or do you need to maximize time rather then cash. (large operation with plentiful supply of scrap).
this is the reason this question comes up so often and why there are so many different answers.
just ask your self the above questions, make the phone calls to the yard. look at your wire and your tools and make the decision that is right for you and your operation.
cut off a three ft piece weigh it, strip it and weigh it again then ask your self the above questions.