How do you manage breaking down that many yokes?
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That's a new one!
I do the same thing but don't get many tv's or monitors any more. The tv yokes are a little harder because the copper is wrapped around the ferrite and have to use a hammer and smash them to get the copper off. My yard is ok with the glue as well and on electric motors it's ok to leave the string on the copper it goes as #2 copper.
Best Buy, Staples, Goodwill, or Eloop (Ewaste Recycler, Plum, PA) will not take any TV that has anything missing from them. I have made my calls to all of them to find out what to do with my scrapped out TV's since PA passed the new ewaste law. Dlubak Glass in Natrona Heights told me that I could drive the CRT tubes to there OH plant. Eloop told me to call 1-800-GOTJUNK. I already visited with my local State Rep and haven't heard anything from him. I have turned down about 15 TV's so far this year because of this new law, but I do have some TV's here that I need to scrap out and get rid of, and would like to do it properly.
on some high end computers there is a nice piece of copper riveted to the bottom of the heatsink over the processor keep an eye out!!
Found my first brass heatsink today in a LCD monitor. Not a huge deal, but I just thought I'd share. I thought it was some kind of plated steel at first, but a quick cut with the dikes showed brass.
Cut into:
Smack the ferrite with a hammer inside an old feed sack or something similar and pick out the copper. Then you can pick out the ferrite with a big magnet and throw it into your shred pile or an old microwave carcass.Quote:
The tv yokes are a little harder because the copper is wrapped around the ferrite and have to use a hammer and smash them to get the copper off.
The plastic is already bagged up to recycle/throw away, which ever.
I always check my heatsinks. I have found a lot of alum plated copper ones
That heatsink comes out of a crt computer monitor. Not all of them will have it though.
Wow, never had aluminum nor brass in scrapping a tv in those areas.
Dude, where is your gloves?
Lucky you. I need a new yard.