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Hi all
New here and relativly new to scrapping and had a Q i'd like to ask
I have several window AC units I found in a dump back in the woods...all shot up, been used for target practice it looks like so no prob w
Ive torn them down and have a pile of copper tubing with aluminum "hair" attached all over it....looks like tinsel if you know what I mean.
Is it worth my time to remove this alum? Im pretty sure I can melt it off w propane torch but i thought I 'd ask
Thanks for a great site
hello yes i have encountered only one ac with ali hair around the copper tube and here at my yard i get num 1 tube anything that is not soldered is num 1. here is what i did with it i found the end and started to unwind it it takes a while but its better then burning it=) i find the copper easier to get out of that type of ac rather than the more common ones that are square or rectangular with the loops on the ends. all in all i deem that the hair ones take me less time otherwise i use a hammer and chisel on the other ones takes aboout 3 days vs maybe a hour or to for unwinding the hair and that way you dont loose ur ali in the fire.