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Air Compressor: how to scrap?

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
  1. #1
    DJWhiteGuy started this thread.
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    Exclamation Air Compressor: how to scrap?

    Hey guys, im new to scrapping and still learning how to maximize my value on the items I find. In this, im figuring out how to best break down various items I found. And I have found a first:

    I cant attach pictures yet. Post "Craftsman air compressor 125 psi" in goggle images and it is the first picture.

    I see there is a cast aluminum casing. The 'brass hose' is actually a copper pipe with brass fins.

    I am not sure if I should completely dismantle this or take it in and sell it as breakage.

    I also dont know if most scrap yards take this; my yard does not take propane cylinders; this is a pressurizeable device, but the guages show no pressure.

    Your thoughts, and thank you for them!

  2. #2
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    If it where me I would brake it down. I didn't yet look at the one you are talking about but if it has an electric moter take it off. You can brake down the motor and get the copper out but some motors are a pain to get the copper out of, I would selll the motor whole. I would get all the aluminum off and clean it of any steel. Pull off as much wires as I could find, I would sell the wires as #2 insulated but some people will strip it to get the copper. As far as the tank it will depend on the scrap yard you use, my yard would want it cut in half so they know the presure or any gases have been releasted. Again this my opinion, other people might do things diffrant. Good luck.

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