I have copper wire and it varys in shine and color from bright orange to almost a red, is any of it worth more then the rest?
I have aluminum and it vary from clean electronic heat sinks to painted gutters and siding, is the painted aluminum worth less? Dull non-painted vs shiny?
The copper might be varnished which could change the color, coils, chokes and degaussing cables are varnished and usually you'll only get #2 price for it.
Alum. heat sinks that look like they have been pulled thru a die is called extruded and usually pays .05-.10 a lb better. My yard throws most everything else in what they call "old sheet".
As far as steel, if you have some heavy (thick) stuff, keep the length down to 2 or 3 ft. (depends on your yard) and that should pay better than the lightweight stuff, tin and such. I think they call it #1. prepped.
This stuff is varnished so it won't short out.