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Wire Stripper

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  1. #1
    DrJamesDaddy started this thread.
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    Wire Stripper

    Well I finally broke down and did it. I ordered a wire stripper. It seems to make sense to me. My homemade stripper has really been bumming me out so here goes nothing. Here is a link to the one I ordered. Anyone try this unit before?

    New Cable Stripper Wire Stripper Stripping Machine by Checkpoint Industry | eBay

    Price seemed fair and it's not like I'm doing tons of wire. Really just for degausing wire, but if it works, I may run some other wire and see what I come up with.

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  3. #2
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I have the fancier one like that. the red donut one lol.

    Works pretty good, takes some practice to adjust it right.

    I suggest getting something like this andstripping the end of the wire a little bit, it makes it easier to start

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  5. #3
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Please let us know how well it works for you...

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  7. #4
    DrJamesDaddy started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondN View Post
    Please let us know how well it works for you...
    Will do. Should have it in a couple days and will put it to good work next week. I hope.

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  9. #5
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    I just got that same one about a month and a half ago. I consider it a "starter" model and will eventually make my own for the next one (you may have seen a wooden one for sale on ebay...I like the idea of a tension spring with cheap, easily replaceable razor blades. I'll switch over to metal material and some design changes to adapt to more wire sizes. Anyway, back to topic...). In fact, after all this "talking" I'm about to head out to the garage and do a little stripping

    Like stated, it takes a little fiddling at first, but pretty easy once you get used to it. I haven't mounted mine b/c I don't have a good permanent location in the garage & don't want to drill holes here and there. I start a cut on the end of a wire length 1-2" with a razor blade and then line it up in the tool. You can feel the drag if its too deep, and lighten the cutting pressure w/ small turns of the lower roller until its smooth. Slice & peel, slice and peel. I group wire sizes together so I don't have to keep adjusting it between strands. It'll pay for itself quick, and make you money for a better one quick. If you just do small amounts, you won't need another one.

    Now, specifically for the degaussing wire, if its all tape wrapped, it will jamb up. I have intended to buy some modeling blades from the hardware store (rods w/ a triangular razor blade tip) to see if they will work in this instead of the ground tip SS blade. It also has a tough time with fuel/oil protected wire. Easiest to make two passes, one for the sleeve and then the insulation. Set it and pull it right, can do with one pass.

    I have stripped down to about 16ga wire with this w/ no trouble. Haven't tried smaller b/c just not worth it to me.

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  11. #6
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    I have the red doughnut one as well. I love it, makes stripping a whole lot easier once you get the hang of adjusting it. Can easliy do a few hundred feet in an hour. I got these to cut off the first 2-3 inches and it works great.

    Irwin Industrial Tools 2078300 8-Inch Self-Adjusting Wire Stripper with ProTouch Grips -

  12. #7
    DrJamesDaddy started this thread.
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    Well, I've been stripping on the side for a bit now and I really like the new unit. I've had no real issues with degaussing wire, good thing since that's about all I strip. Getting smaller gauges through is a bit of a challenge, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. All in all, worth my $ due to the saved time if nothing else.

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