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What will the yard take?

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  1. #1
    Mabrito88 started this thread.
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    What will the yard take?

    Hey guys. So I've found a bunch of scrap but Im wondering how much do i need to tear things apart. i mean i have a metal chair but its got a cushion. Do you take the cushion off? I've got a soccer goal with a bit of net in it. Do i take it off? A ceiling light with about 2x 2 inches of glass Do i bother taking it out? Im just wondering how clean things have to be? Are yards pretty hard on taking anything not metal off or would i just be wasting my time cleaning things up?

    Also i found this fan with a big motor. That would be a pain to remove. Do i bother taking it off? I also found this outdoor table. Pretty light. Painted White. Think its aluminum? Do i keep it separate?


  2. #2
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mabrito88 View Post
    Hey guys. So I've found a bunch of scrap but Im wondering how much do i need to tear things apart. i mean i have a metal chair but its got a cushion. Do you take the cushion off? I've got a soccer goal with a bit of net in it. Do i take it off? A ceiling light with about 2x 2 inches of glass Do i bother taking it out? Im just wondering how clean things have to be? Are yards pretty hard on taking anything not metal off or would i just be wasting my time cleaning things up?

    Also i found this fan with a big motor. That would be a pain to remove. Do i bother taking it off? I also found this outdoor table. Pretty light. Painted White. Think its aluminum? Do i keep it separate?

    Every yard will have their own rules, so best to ask them. My yard says max 15% of weight can be other material.

  3. #3
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Most important question is, not "will my yard take it" it should be "if I clean it up can I make more money"! Most yards will take all that you mentioned. Some will pay more if the stuff is clean! You need to go down to the yard and look around and see how they like it. And welcome to the forum!

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  5. #4
    jord0690's Avatar
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    If it's easy to separate and will make you more cash (diff types of metal) go for it, if it takes a while and it's a pain in the butt, you need to decide if it's worth your time or not. Say something takes an hour to tear down, and only increases your earnings by a buck or there, I'd probably just leave it.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
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  6. #5
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    Check the table with a magnet to see if it's aluminum, check the screws and stuff too. If there's ferrous metal in there you might only get dirty aluminum price, which isn't very good.

    I used to clean things up real good before hauling them to the yard, and watch guys with a truckload of bycicles, tires still on em, getting paid the same price I got. In time you'll get to adjusting it accordingly. Where I am now there's few things to do with plastic and glass, so I'm careful about taking it loose unecesarily. I kinda go by my own rule of loose plastic don't go, and let them decide, actually I haven't even asked. I just take it and if they dock me any, I guess that's just too bad ; )

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  8. #6
    Mick's Avatar
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    As an example of what these guys are saying, consider this: A car has a battery in it. The battery weighs 32 pounds. You would get maybe .08/lb for that battery if it goes with the car or $2.56. If you take the battery out and sell it by itself; you'll get maybe $10. Was taking the battery out worth it?
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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