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How do you guys separate your aluminum ?
I just went in with a load, aluminum gutters, Automobile fenders, hoods, some heavier aluminum frames, cans, rims, I got my tear weight, and then my gross weight and got paid.
I did notice while I was unloading the yard guy put the rims in a separate pile, the heavier aluminum frames, it another pile and the balance of the load went into the dumpster.
All my aluminum was clean no rubber or foam on the hoods, on the frame section I cut off the rubber mounts, no steel fasteners in the parts I dropped.
I got the felling I wasted my time cleaning all the parts ??????
I have no idea if I got paid for clean aluminum or dirty aluminum, they move so fast in the yard I was in it amazed me.
They did not tell me my tare wt, just dump it over there, and get weighed in again.
I am new to the scrap world but would like to be a little more educated before I go in.
The best answer I can give you is this...READ READ READ the old threads on the forum. AND, get familiar with your yard.
Every yard handles material a little different than the next. I have 3 yards I deal with now. Each one has it's strengths, and weakness, on certain material. ie...One, pays better if transformers, CPU fans, electric motors, etc are all separated. Another, lumps it all together and pays one price for it all.
Try to find a time when the yard is not crazy busy and ask questions. One near me usually has a slow period between 10:30-11:30. I have gone down there ready to sit that long if necessary, 10-15 buckets in the back of my truck, and some samples, in each one of the buckets. They took the time to show me how they want it separated and classify it, and then we agreed on pricing. As time has gone on, they rarely take the time to go through my material.
It's a process that takes time and patience. But again, it can never be said to anyone enough...READ READ READ and look at allllllll the purdy pictures. The answers are here!
Many members have had their lives changed drastically, AND FOR THE BETTER, from the knowledge and wisdom that is available here. Take your time and good Luck!!