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Aluminum Types and How to Seperate

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  1. #1
    Ironhead started this thread.
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    Aluminum Types and How to Seperate

    How do you guys separate your aluminum ?
    I just went in with a load, aluminum gutters, Automobile fenders, hoods, some heavier aluminum frames, cans, rims, I got my tear weight, and then my gross weight and got paid.
    I did notice while I was unloading the yard guy put the rims in a separate pile, the heavier aluminum frames, it another pile and the balance of the load went into the dumpster.
    All my aluminum was clean no rubber or foam on the hoods, on the frame section I cut off the rubber mounts, no steel fasteners in the parts I dropped.
    I picked up an aluminum ladder yesterday, looked like a truck ran into it, DO I REMOVE ALL THE STELL ITEMS ON THE LADDER ?
    I got the felling I wasted my time cleaning all the parts ??????
    I have no idea if I got paid for clean aluminum or dirty aluminum, they move so fast in the yard I was in it amazed me.
    They did not tell me my tare wt, just dump it over there, and get weighed in again.
    I am new to the scrap world but would like to be a little more educated before I go in.

    Last edited by Ironhead; 07-28-2013 at 04:14 AM. Reason: Forgot one question

  2. #2
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironhead View Post
    How do you guys separate your aluminum ?
    I just went in with a load, aluminum gutters, Automobile fenders, hoods, some heavier aluminum frames, cans, rims, I got my tear weight, and then my gross weight and got paid.
    I did notice while I was unloading the yard guy put the rims in a separate pile, the heavier aluminum frames, it another pile and the balance of the load went into the dumpster.
    All my aluminum was clean no rubber or foam on the hoods, on the frame section I cut off the rubber mounts, no steel fasteners in the parts I dropped.
    I got the felling I wasted my time cleaning all the parts ??????
    I have no idea if I got paid for clean aluminum or dirty aluminum, they move so fast in the yard I was in it amazed me.
    They did not tell me my tare wt, just dump it over there, and get weighed in again.
    I am new to the scrap world but would like to be a little more educated before I go in.
    The best answer I can give you is this...READ READ READ the old threads on the forum. AND, get familiar with your yard.

    Every yard handles material a little different than the next. I have 3 yards I deal with now. Each one has it's strengths, and weakness, on certain material. ie...One, pays better if transformers, CPU fans, electric motors, etc are all separated. Another, lumps it all together and pays one price for it all.

    Try to find a time when the yard is not crazy busy and ask questions. One near me usually has a slow period between 10:30-11:30. I have gone down there ready to sit that long if necessary, 10-15 buckets in the back of my truck, and some samples, in each one of the buckets. They took the time to show me how they want it separated and classify it, and then we agreed on pricing. As time has gone on, they rarely take the time to go through my material.

    It's a process that takes time and patience. But again, it can never be said to anyone enough...READ READ READ and look at allllllll the purdy pictures. The answers are here!

    Many members have had their lives changed drastically, AND FOR THE BETTER, from the knowledge and wisdom that is available here. Take your time and good Luck!!

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  4. #3
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    Did they pay you different prices or all the same price? If they won't allow you to ask questions, I'd load up right then and go someplace else. There are yards that will rob you, best learn ahead of time what you've got, and what they're paying

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  6. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Lot's of different categories for Aluminum but I usually separate into...breakage, sheet, cast, rims and extruded. As I'm moving bucket on scale I verify what is being put on there then double check ticket.
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  8. #5
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    By me it's
    Alum Cans
    Alum Rims
    Ext Alum
    MLC Alum
    Paint Alum
    Cast Alum
    Dirty Alum

    You need to seperate them! If you are on a large scale you need to unload one type and then weigh back in and repeate the process till done. At small scale make sure to tell them what you got, and as far as tare if that is problem dump out buckets / boxes.

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  10. #6
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    By me they throw clean Extruded, Sheet, Gutters, Ladders, Etc. all into one bin. The scale guy told me to not separate all of that because it all goes into the same bale. I do separate out clean cast from the rest even though I may not have to. Ask for a price sheet at your yard next time, it will show EVERY category that they have and their price. I cannot tell you how much this has helped me in the past. And as people have said before, READ READ AND READ AGAIN!
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  11. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    How do you guys separate your aluminum ?
    I just went in with a load, aluminum gutters, Automobile fenders, hoods, some heavier aluminum frames, cans, rims, I got my tear weight, and then my gross weight and got paid.
    I did notice while I was unloading the yard guy put the rims in a separate pile, the heavier aluminum frames, it another pile and the balance of the load went into the dumpster.
    Kind of sounded to me like you had some steel/tin mixed in, in which case they would have paid you for the cheapest items.

    Aluminum Recycling Guide
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  13. #8
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    My yard wants it separated, but they pay $0.50 for aluminum no matter what it is. Everything goes in one bin, except for the cast. They have a different bin for cast.

    That's another thing i find odd about the scrap yard the i go to. If they want you to separate it, wouldn't it make sense to have multiple price points? You know, to give the incentive to separate? I do what they want as far as categorizing but it seems to me they would make more faster if they gave you a reason to keep the cast out of the extruded. Most people probably don't care seeing as how it pays the same.

  14. #9
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I'm always amazed at how different yards treat different items. One of my yards of the two I use lumps all aluminum except cans together at one price. The other yard, I could go in with 15 different grades of aluminum all at different prices.

    Extrusion (and there's more than one grade)
    clip (again, more than one grade)
    old sheet
    old cast
    clean cast

    You get the idea
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  16. #10
    pcscrapper's Avatar
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    This is a good post...

    I would like to say... that its important you know what is what..

    ext.. how do you know if its extruded or not.? One example.. look at heat sinks.. those are extruded... like lets take the 775 chip heatsink.. its round.. and if you can imagine..

    like a noodle maker machine.. that is a extruder.. you push the objext thru the machine and it creates what ever you're making.

    cast.. now there are several different type of cast.. how can you tell any alum that has side walls for example Harddrives .. they have sides to them.. these can't be made thru a extruder.. due to the sides.. being higher then the center part of the metal. another way to tell.. extruded is hard or if not impossible to break.. but if you take a hammer.. use googles.. and glvoes.. put the item like a harddrive in to a vice.. and wack it.. away from your body it will break.. and along with that.. you'll noticed that the material is grey... and funny looking..

    now there is cast iron.. extremely heavy.. but still cast.. in most cases.. like LCD base.. they are heavy.. non extruded and if you scrape or use a wire brush wheel.. Please use safty glasses when doing this.. take the paint off and you'll noticed in most cases its a grey looking color.. and very hard to break but possible..

    plate alum. for example.. are.. gutters... now people say gutters are extruded.. in some cases yes.. but there are some that are formed by a gutter machine that is fed by material in a roll form that is consider plate... another example.. some of the old pent one slot processors where the heat sink.. was a single piece of alum.. but they cut the top of the heatsink and alternate them one fin goes one way and the other goes another way... plate alum is easier to cut then extruded. CRT boards has lots of plate alum and also extruded.. basically when plate alum is made it is formed by a machine that are feed between two rollers.. and shaped. into a long piece of alum different thickness.

    most scrap yards will put plate alum with cast alum, not sure why.. but that is my experince.. but I get different prices for them, and also.. I get a higher price with extruded due to the fact again.. its harder to break and its cleaner of any other type of material.. I don't have the specs of what type of material each has but I can say. that extruded is the better quality of it all.

    Hope that helps.. and you've a great week.. and Happy scrapping.
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    Hope this help you with some of your question.

  19. #12
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    My yard refuses to pay for extruded now and their reasoning is #1- I'm the only one that separates it from the cast and #2- they cannot bale it (big deal) throw it into a gaylord. (that's why they make them.) I'm going to save ext. up and find a yard that will pay me for my time.

    Their not going to pay me the lowest alum price for one of the highest alum alloys. I was born at nite but not last nite.

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  21. #13
    Ironhead started this thread.
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    More information regarding scrapping aluminum

    Hey guys I appreciate the input, scrapping is a bit of a science, if you do not know the details of what you are scrapping , I am sure the yard will take full advantage of your ignorance ! I really hate to say this but every time I go to scrap something I feel like a new bride ! They don't tell you your gross weight when you pull off the scale unless you ask, you do not get ticket with any kind of number, I had on occasion they told me my full weight was 4700 pounds but when I actually weighed in mt, the new gross weight number was 4500 pounds. I had no paper and just got screwed out of 200 pounds !!! This forum is really pretty **** good !

  22. #14
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    My yard, when you drive on the scale ( for shred, everything else is done on the smaller scales ), you can see the weigh in. Same with on the smaller scales. Maybe I'm spoiled I dunno, but I love that I can see the weight. When I go, everything is out of the van that isn't being taken to the yard, cept myself, the cooler, and some tools I keep on hand in case I need them for some odd reason.

    If I can't see the weight, I don't use the yard. Silly to some, but as mentioned some yards will rob you blind if given the chance. Thankfully my yard is on the up n up an I've got a good enough relationship with them that trust isn't a big concern at this point. If I go to a new yard, or the other shady yards near me, I watch everything like a hawk. That's when I implement my DTA philosophy..Don't trust anyone. Not everyone is honest, an some folks will screw you over for a penny if given the chance. Greed makes people do stupid things, just look at a lot of corporations..a lot care more about profits then ethics. Sad..ain't it?

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  23. #15
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Hi Ironhead, have lots of family up your way.

    The above is all excellent advice and highly informative (as usual)

    ...but we aren't buying your scrap, so it ultimately doesn't matter what we say. You need to ask your scrap yard! And by the sound of things, you might want to try out a few others. We've all been screwed by a yard because we didn't know what we were doing. Well, at least I have.

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