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appliances break down before taking to scrap yard

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  1. #1
    red911 started this thread.
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    appliances break down before taking to scrap yard

    I dont have time to take apart or break down appliances, will the scrap yard pay me for the units as whole without parting it out, thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Mick's Avatar
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    Yes. Likely as Light Iron or whatever your yard calls the least value of iron.
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  3. #3
    msmoorad's Avatar
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    when it comes to things like stoves
    i think u have to remove the insulation that packed around the insides before any scrap yard will accept it
    cos thats not metal.

    and if possible
    remove the motors from washing machines, dryers etc
    cos thats worth much more than what u will get for the rest of the machine/appliance

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  5. #4
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    Maybe, maybe not. The yard I use takes appliances as is with everything in them. I even had a refrigerator that someone left all the food in. I tied the door shut and told them about it. They took it and thanked me for the tip on not cutting the power cord that I used to tie the door. The point is that you just need to ask your yard what their rules are. Some are more strict in what they will take. Some do require removal of glass, insulation, excess plastic and other things.

    If you don't have time to remove the motors, copper tubing, wiring, and aluminum pieces, at least cut the power cord. That's easy to do and those will pile up quickly and bring you easy money. If you don't want to do that, your yard will gladly take appliances with cords attached and clip them off themselves.

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  7. #5
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Also, be sure to ask the yard(s) you use if they need the freon removed from the fridges - some want them tagged by licensed person.
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  9. #6
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    Also, be sure to ask the yard(s) you use if they need the freon removed from the fridges - some want them tagged by licensed person.
    Bingo. Basically any appliance can be turned in as is, with the exception of anything that has a refrigeration system (refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners). Most yards require the compressors be removed from these and the oil drained out, but there are exceptions to this rule. Personally I prefer to remove the compressors and cut them open to retrieve the copper windings. I have retrieved better then 200 lbs. of copper this way.

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  11. #7
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red911 View Post
    I dont have time to take apart or break down appliances, will the scrap yard pay me for the units as whole without parting it out, thank you for your help.
    To make a simple ,and short answer , call the Yard where you will drop your appliances and ask if any preparation is needed.

    Some Yards will pay you less , but will allow you to just drop it and go get your money.

    Good luck!

  12. #8
    1956's Avatar
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    Ha Red it looks like you just started in the scrap game,from your sign up date,the answer to your question is yes,all appliances are called white goods in the business and go as shread/tin,Its a shame to short change your self it really does not take much time to pull all the goodies out,haste is waste,the yard will give to a special place to dump off after you go a couple of times,so they can scrap out your white goods and triple the money they pay you,what a shame I guess you don't bring in manny

  13. #9
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red911 View Post
    I dont have time to take apart or break down appliances, will the scrap yard pay me for the units as whole without parting it out, thank you for your help.
    They will pay you shred price which boils down to .10 a pound. However, if you extract boards, wires, copper, and aluminum you great increase your profitability.
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  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by red911 View Post
    I dont have time to take apart or break down appliances, will the scrap yard pay me for the units as whole without parting it out, thank you for your help.
    Here they call it white goods, (it's a category) little cheaper than #2 steel.
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  15. #11
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