Here's an LNB from a satellite dish that I broke down over the weekend.
This is what I started with, Called a Cal Amp.
After popping off the plastic cover your looking at the metal cover(tin) with 4 screws to remove, Then use your straight edge screwdriver and pry the metal cover off.
After about 25 screws to remove, we remove the cast pieces and there is the double board. Unhook the coax connectors from the boards.
Here is the front side of the boards. The one on the right is a piece of tin that is totally plated on both sides. It was under the circuit board. The traces are all gold plated. I scraped the green masking and there's gold under it.
And here is the backside of the boards. There is an inkpen there to show the size. The left board is 5" x 6", and the other is 3 1/2" x 5".