That's pretty freaking cool. Guess that's something you don't want to just be hitting random buttons up in command center..heh.
An BC...first.thanks to your pops for serving, an second..thanks for sharing the story. That's pretty cool hearing that history, so cool, you got me curious on the ship(not boat..those navy guys get mad..

) so I went and did some looking on Google. I found tons of info on the wiki page for the USS Forrestal. I can't even imagine how it affected him, I know several vets from their time in 'Nam, an they don't talk about it. I think I can understand why, but I know I never will as I wasn't there, an I never served. Either way, pretty cool history there, an I enjoyed reading it.
Hope ya don't mind me posting a link to the Wiki article for anyone else that is curious to read about the USS Forrestal. The fire is even mentioned, if it's the one that happened in 67' I think it said.
For those interested...I do the work for you an give you...
USS Forrestal (CV-59) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks again for sharing Op an BC for the story! An thanks again to all of you have served, past, present, or heck even future.
Sirscrapalot - Stands behind his soldiers and country, can't say the same about the idiots in DC on both sides.