^^^^^^ this. If you are not looking at a payrate for an activity, then you are selling yourself short. People always say, "I don't have anything else to be doing, so I do it"...well you are trading in your TIME...the stuff you never ever get back. If it isn't worth the rate you want to make (and it should be a reasonable rate, because why do something for peanuts), then you have to reevaluate what you are doing. Don't trade your time in for pennies is all I am saying...spend that time looking for more scrap, other ways to make more money...something anything else that will make you the hourly rate you have computed that will pay the bills and get you the things you want (again it should be way more than minimum wage).
All that to say, NO, if the activity doesn't pay me the $XX/hr, then I don't do it.