Well, I have this junker of a 94 Mustang that hasnt ran in nearly half a decade that I picked up to part out awhile back. It had no stereo head unit, so there is no way to easily test the existing stuff, so I decided to pull the two amps from the rear deck and see what they had in them, as the outer cases are made of aluminum. Nothing great to be found here though, but easy enough to tear apart and see. These ARE somewhat sellable on
Ebay if you know they work, but without knowing, I did not want to take the risk.
They are held into the rear speaker deck with 4 phillips screws each, they are found in any 94-04 Mustan V6, GT, Cobra etc with the Mach 460 option (some cars didnt have the 460 option, and some 01-04's had the mach 1000 which is another ballgame completely).
Nothing holding it together but several torx screws, and a phillips screw on the sides.
Top view
Bottom view (plate looks stainless, but it's magnetic, so good ole bottom of the barrel shred pricing locally for me)
Inside, looks to be a very low grade board, but Im no expert on that type of stuff yet.
Bottom view of the board, only thing holding it in was four clips which pop right off
Grand total on weight each
Aluminum 1 lb 4.8 oz
14 oz shred bolts/plate
8 oz low grade looking board
So all in all, definitely not a money maker but better than the 27 cent or less they were going to bring each if they went with the car I suppose.