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Clarification on the $100 contest and category update

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
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    admin started this thread.
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    Clarification on the $100 contest and category update

    I wanted to cover and clarify 2 things in this thread to keep everyone up to speed.

    First, as you may have noticed we have added the "Scrap Breakdowns" section as a 'sub-forum' of the Dismantling, Breaking Down and Maximizing scrap category.

    In an effort to further increase the value of this category, we introduced the new section to keep actual breakdowns separate from everything else and make them easier to browse.

    For example, a thread entitled: "Here's how a circuit breaker breaks down" is different than a thread entitled: "What's inside of a circuit breaker and is it worth breaking down?"

    In regards to the $100 breakdown contest (, all NEW breakdowns submitted for the contest will be posted in this new category.

    There are a number of detailed breakdowns already on the forum in the main category which we will move into the new sub-forum of the dismantling category. However, we will wait until AFTER the SMF Scrap Breakdown Contest has ended to move them to their new home. This will help prevent any confusion between breakdown threads shared with members for the contest, and breakdowns that have been on the forum for some time and are not part of the contest.

    Once the contest has ended, ALL detailed breakdowns shared by SMF members, past, present and future will be listed exclusively in the "Scrap Breakdowns" sub-forum.

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