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how to get max profit from a HDTV found on the side of the road

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  1. #1
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    how to get max profit from a HDTV found on the side of the road

    Here's how to get max profit from a HDTV that is found dead on the side of the road. Enjoy! Any questions, feel free to ask.

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  3. #2
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    Really outstanding video, thank you for sharing.

    I was given a LCD tv which the screen had been broken while being moved. I was able to power it up and even with the broken screen you could see the picture and everything worked. I took photos of the tv working with the broken screen then used them to help sell the internal boards. I recall I made between $50 and $70 in total from selling the boards.

    I look forward to seeing your repaired tv and find out how much you made off of it. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzy214 View Post
    Here's how to get max profit from a HDTV that is found dead on the side of the road. Enjoy! Any questions, feel free to ask.
    Now the question is, will you become a buyer of falt screen tvs?

  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    This was talked about a year ago with links to a repair forum and where we can buy the repair kits with the proper caps, etc.
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  8. #5
    Curbside shopper's Avatar
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    Thanks for the motivation. I've got a 32" and a 20" sitting in the basement, beautiful picture on the 32"...but keeps shutting down after about 30 min or so, sure it's probably bad caps, but haven't pulled the back off of it yet to check.

  9. #6
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Tv is fixed. Its a 26" and decided to keep as new pc monitor. I normally run two monitors at once, although I may hook a 2nd video card in and run a third.

    Here is links to caps that fit this particular tv.
    10V 2200uF Motherboard Capacitors Quantity 10 | eBay

    Just match uf rating. You can always go a little higher on uf. It actually might make the tv last longer and be more stable. Voltage also has to matches, but you can go wee higher.

    Pic of tv. Im now using as a computer monitor. Even have the tv speakers tied into the pc for music. Any of the new HDTV's have a VGA hookup. The blue plug cable. Or if you have a decent video card, you can go with a hdmi cable. The 10 dollar hdmi cable from the dollar store works surprisingly well.

    Note. Im cheap. I dug one of the last scraggling motherboards that didnt make it out the door this week. I retrieved the caps off of it and installed. They were a lower uf rating, but tv works fine. By my guess, they were probaly last 6 months before popping again. But for now, works good.

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  11. #7
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Curbside shopper View Post
    Thanks for the motivation. I've got a 32" and a 20" sitting in the basement, beautiful picture on the 32"...but keeps shutting down after about 30 min or so, sure it's probably bad caps, but haven't pulled the back off of it yet to check.
    Keeps shutting down, maybe over heating. Clean out the dust bunnies and check the caps. Possibly a bad cap as well. One mod for a tv like that is attach a pc fan over the power supply board and solder it to the 12 volt line. Will keep tv cool and working.

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  13. #8
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mthomasdev View Post
    Now the question is, will you become a buyer of falt screen tvs?
    I always have. Usually 20-50 cash depending on tv, age, and condition. Ie broken screen, etc.

  14. #9
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzy214 View Post
    I always have. Usually 20-50 cash depending on tv, age, and condition. Ie broken screen, etc.
    Buyers thread?

  15. #10
    Scrappah is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I was wondering if this repair was your first -or- if you do it on a regular basis.

    I've had consistently good results repairing flat screen computer monitors and absolutely no luck with flat screen tv's. The tv's are a bit more complicated and a few bad caps on the power board seem to ripple through the machine and damage some of the other boards.

    If you can consistently bring the tv's back to life you've really got something there.

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  17. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Here's the links I was referring to, the forum has a lot of info on different models of flatscreens, motherboards, etc.
    The other link has the cap kits available.
    Badcaps Forums - Salvation For Your Electronics! - Badcaps Home

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  19. #12
    mthomasdev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzy214 View Post
    I always have. Usually 20-50 cash depending on tv, age, and condition. Ie broken screen, etc.
    In one of my other threads today, I indicated that I got a call today for 50 to 70 TVs, only about 10 were CRT. The rest were LCD, Plasma, etc. I had to turn it down. Would really love to find a buyer

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  21. #13
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    I have had tried to make ads on this site with no success. If y'all around Scranton, pa call me 570 five o seven one 8 three 8 and I will probably buy depending what you have. Yes I repair and have a 98% repair success. I even do motherboards. I had a nice older sli board on the shelf. Just put three caps in it and its back alive and stable.
    Last edited by ozzy214; 03-05-2015 at 09:31 PM.

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  23. #14
    ozzy214 started this thread.
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    Only thing I never had success with older TV boards where they have a aluminum heatsink over the caps. U need to desolder that first to get access to the caps, then the caps. But you really don't see that unless its a ancient TV.

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