I was talking with a buddy of mine who wants to start scrapping, and we talked about a lot of things that get discussed on this thread as far as breaking down items/identifying things etc. But I was also giving him some tips I have learned about managing and organizing as you breakdown product to make the process easier and help keep things organized. I do not consider my pay grade the same as some of the experienced members here, but I do have some tips that help me. So here are some of the tips I have and if anyone has anything to add please do.
Thank You
1) Put bits and screwdrivers etc on magnets to keep them magnetized to grab screws.
2) If space is an issue, store vetically. Cat litter bins and 13-15 gal trashcans stacked on each other work well for just about anything.
3) Pick up all storage bins you find, you can never have enough.
4) Always have extra batteries charged.
5) Clean up and re-organize, tools ecspecially, after completing tasks before starting a new one. In the end, this will save you time and money on lost tools.
6) Get a tetnis shot!
7) Read this forum religously, ecspecially older threads.