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Motors, Worth the effort? - Page 3

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    injunjoe started this thread.
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    Motors, Worth the effort?

    I just stripped a condenser motor, (fan motor for outside ac unit).
    Starting weight was 12 pounds. At my yard they give $0.20 a pound.
    After about ten minutes I ended up with 2.25 pounds of #2 copper, thus leaving 9.75 pounds in steel scrap.

    Motor as is would be worth $2.40
    Cleaned the copper comes out to $7.31 at current yard prices.
    Left over steel is worth $0.98
    So in about ten minutes I now have $8.29 in total scrap worth.
    That comes out to 5.89 profit for cleaning the motor.
    So in an hour I will have made $35.34, not bad for standing in my work shop having coffee.

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