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On Monday we start to tear down a double wide. Since I have not been working bills are coming due. It is going to be a big job, I planned and think we can make some money. There is junk in the home. Here is my plan.
1. Day 1 cut out all windows, siding and any other alum. I will take it to the yard. The price is 60 cents per pound. The yard is 3 miles away.
2. Day 2 pull out all junk left by and put in burn pile. I give us 3 hours and 3 hours taking out tub, sinks etc.
3. Day 3 cut roof in sections and pull off set in steel pile.pull all wires and put in bucket. Talk to fire dept. to see if they would like to train and burn it.
4. After they burn I'll go in and cut up frame. My goal is to have this done in 7 days.
As of Sat. here's what prices were.
1.Steel $12.50 per hundred
2. Copper $3.50 per # on #1
3. Alum..60 per #
4. Ins. Wire .60 per#
Well I hope this works out.
Dude you would make more $$$ picking cans and bottles, with out the headaches.
I can see the picture clearly, you light a fire to burn some rubbish and get a ticket.
A double wide should have asphalt roofing, maybe even plastic siding to go with the sawdust board under flooring and those crappy cupboards and closets.
Why? are you doing this with out equipment. Are you planning to take the cream and run.