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Plasma/LCD/LED Televisions - Page 2

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  1. #21
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    I just picked it up anyways
    its a Plasma, no wood, steel casing, very heavy

    I talked to the owner, she said her son broke the screen but all else is fine.

    any clue if this is worth something? its a huge tv
    should i just call a few random tv stores and see if anyone will buy it?

    Try searching eBay with the make and model with the word "board".
    just checked ebay!! how easy is it to bust this open and take out the board? will it be easy? DD
    main logic control board $25
    main board $60
    power supplu $90
    blah blah board, 15, 10, 12
    Guess it is time to finally make that ebay account. anyone know a good ebay noobie walkthough. do i have to link it to my bank account or is there other ways?
    Last edited by bluemeate; 03-14-2013 at 08:04 PM.
    collecting san joses scrap

  2. #22
    eesakiwi is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I think you'd have more chance selling the parts for a big screen LCD since theres less chance of them having broken screens. & since the dollar value of a big screen is so high, even older ones would be worth fixing.

    The connecting mylars. I read that they are gold inside too.(not just the connecting edges) Is that true?

  3. #23
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I haven't seen wood in any of the big flat screens I've taken apart. Boat load of steel and aluminum, though.

    They are pretty easy to get apart. Nice gold on the boards along the edges, don't forget those. They're super light, but they will add up.

    I've got a box full of about 4 TV's worth of those boards, I'm going to have to check ebay and see what kind of action is out there on them.

  4. #24
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    plasma tv. i got this board out that seems to be worth money but its connected to the "buffer" boards and i cant detach them.
    has anyone ever encountered these type of clips? it is off of a huge samsung

    Im thinking about just cutting the board around the clips and letting the buyer disconnect them, lol
    what is a good tool for cutting circuit boards?

  5. #25
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I've dealt with a couple of those clips, in my experience they break easily enough. Had a buddy come through the other day with a old gateway flat screen, had those clips, we just broke them. Might be an easier way but if so someone else will have to chime in.

    An yea..lots of alum, steel, and high grade boards in those things. Lots of **** screws tho.

    Sirscrapalot - 99 bottles of rum on the wall..99 bottles of rum, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of rum on the wall..

  6. #26
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    im trying to sell it not break it... or do you mean just break it off the buffer side, pls elaborate?

  7. #27
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    We broke them at the clips, not the actual boards or anything. This was a older unit though, real nice high grade board was connected to a not so good board. So again we just broke it at the clips. Both boards still intact. Just the clip broken. Sure someone with tv repair exp, could tell ya how to do it without breaking the clips, but that person ain't me.

    Sirscrapalot - 98 bottles of rum on the wall..98 bottles of rum...take one down pass it around..4 other friends passed out on the ground..

  8. #28
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Just looks like a multi-pin plug in, you might try a wide straight edge screwdriver. Slide it into the gap between the boards and twist it to put pressure on both halves of the board. Pry on one side of the pins then the other.
    Unless there's something locking them together that I'm not seeing. The friction is tight on those multiple pins. Hope it helps.
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