excuse me for saying so but, guys, the post was ment to help those who dont have an EXCAVATOR, a bulldozer, crusher, tank or even a tire machine. it was ment to help those who dont.
let me reintroduce my self to those who dont know me.
I am 68, not in good health, I am starting over from 0, and I do mean 0. I refer to people like me as SIS scrappers, suplamental income/survival scrapers. there are probably more of us then there are of you.
most of my posts are intended to help all but particularly those in my position. and one day (hopefully Never) you may find your self in this position. Im glad you read them and hope you enjoy them. but you may want to remember them, just in case, one day you find your self with out an excivator, or schreder back hoe, or what ever, I did. just my .02