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  1. #21
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    what was it listed as on the ticket? was it under something different than what the car batteries usually are?
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    I took in a battery pack from one of these last week. I got $36! $12 a pound. It was a pleasant surprise since the yard usually only pays $8 for regular car batteries.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by brucie View Post
    what was it listed as on the ticket? was it under something different than what the car batteries usually are?
    What he said. I am very curious now as to what it was listed as. 12 bucks a lb? Whoowee!

    I am wondering if it was an error on the yard/cashiers part.

  3. #23
    Scrapette started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    How many batteries were in the pack? The normal numer I find is 2 or 4 of those small sealed batteries. I wonder why so much more for what you brought in. Mike.
    I just had one pack that was sealed, it weighed three pounds. I didn't break it down further.
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  4. #24
    Scrapette started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    What he said. I am very curious now as to what it was listed as. 12 bucks a lb? Whoowee!

    I am wondering if it was an error on the yard/cashiers part.

    It just said "batteries" three pounds at twelve bucks a pound. I was surprised when he weighed it out because normally they just give you a flat rate not a price per pound. Car batteries are a set price and deep cycle are a different price. This was a long time employee so I'm guessing he knew what he was doing. I'll double check the next time I go out there.

  5. #25
    Scrapette started this thread.
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    Saw some vids on youtube about how to take non-working UPSs, remove the old batteries and adapt what's left as inverters. Apparently you can use them with different batteries and get longer storage capacity, even connect them to solar panels etc. if you know what you are doing. Pretty interesting stuff.

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  7. #26
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    I would second the above. I know for a fact that you can replace the battery with a regular car battery and they work fine and can increase life by 4-5 times or more of the UPS. I have done so myself. You and also stack multiple batteries together and increase the lifespan further. Just keep in mind there is a gas given off by car batteries when they charge / are heavily used. This mod is best performed for use where there is good ventilation.

    Also, check the body on them. I have found a lot of aluminum in them. I average about $2.50-$5 each out of them depending on size, age and current prices.

    Something to keep in mind is if it is only the batter that is shot, most will still work as a surge protector / power strip anyways. They just wont keep the plugged in items on in the event of power failure.

  8. #27
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    Morning all. Scrappete being your a senior member so In no way am I saying your wrong. Id say that $12 dollar price was for like 40 pounds of agm/gel batts at .30 c a lbs. At my shop I only pay over a quarter to dealers. Thats a good price for batts. WHen I ship batts two the major end users here in the Northeast (rsr and NewAlta) they say they hate agm/gel because they mess up their pots. Flooded lead batts are water (if dead) lead, little tin, antimony and plastic. That stuff smelts fine I guess. Adding pallets of agm/gel and flooded may be a thing of the past because they are harder to refine.

    FUnny things a good agm gel battery has a commanding price.. Whats a good auto a few months to year old $30 bucks. The agm/gels I get about a dollar an ah. THe ones in most apc units are 12 ah usually, sometimes 6ah or 18 and 25ah.

    Your transformers usually bring the same $$$ around >30c lbs. Around here. Merry Christmas folks.

    My buyer buys the boards as low grade.. Not like yellow or white but green low grade. Just a board of copper, copper bearing, al, heatsink and caps and resistors. Maybe a few transistors one ic chip maybe.

    So I think. Im a newbie hit me over the head if I ramble to much.

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  9. #28
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    I was looking for info on UPS but I don't see what I'm looking for so I'll ask here to add to this thread. This is my first UPS breakdown and I was wondering if the transformer in these hold a charge. I'm having trouble getting the battery out too and thanks to this thread I now know I need to put on some safety gear. Can someone tell me the safest way to break these down?

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