Got an uninterruptible power supply from a dumpster dive. Does anyone know if this thing stores a charge and is it safe to break down? Thanks in advance for replies.
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Got an uninterruptible power supply from a dumpster dive. Does anyone know if this thing stores a charge and is it safe to break down? Thanks in advance for replies.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill
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Should be just some tiny lawn mower type(sealed) batteries inside, plus other electronics, circuit board. Lots of different types, should not be any charge to it, the batteries probably went dead/shorted. You could use a volt meter and test them, but that's the most common cause.
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
ups is great for breakdown, open it up and disconnect the batteries. its all safe from there.
if the unit still switches on but dosent run with a load it could just be the battery's.
scrap the old ones , replace the battery's and sell the unit if you want.
otherwise is breaks down to battery, aluminium, nice transformer, low grade PCB and some PVC wire.
The ones I broke down had a fair amount of brass. Mike
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Thanks, Mechanic, goldfinger and Miked - it is so good to have people you can turn to with questions - particularly when they are related to safety. You guys rock!
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Are you talking like this,,You guys rock!
Or like this,,![]()
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Number one.
But if you are a very careful scrapper and take good care of yourself, you may make it to your retirement rocking chair someday! Lol.
Just keep in mind to have something close by in case the batteries are leaking so it doesn't destroy the floor.
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When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying
I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie
A piece of plywood works well as long as it's a piece you don't need.
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I think you can use the 12V DC to 110? -240? volt part as a inverter.
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Just got in couple dozen of these. They are sweet to break down. Battery about 5 lbs @ $0.30 lb, plus board that has some alum that pops off and a small transformer. I think mid-grade after i remove those but not sure yet. Add in cords and snippets of wire, should get a nice little return on them. Still stockpiling my transformers and havent taken them in yet, so not sure what they are bringing at the yard. All the units were tested and not working so i'm not gonna bother with the repair and try to resell option.
Just to toss in my 2 cents as an IT person, just about any working UPS is worth more resold with a fresh set of batteries than as scrap. You can find OEM and third-party batteries for just about any UPS ever made. If you have a few identical units, some small local business will probably love to take them off your hands. If a battery doesn't slide out easily, grab some gloves, goggles, and something to protect the floor because it's bulging any may blow up when you remove it (I'm sure most people here know to be careful with lead-acid batteries, but it can't hurt to mention it.)
usually there is a battery set internally in the unit ,which like all things ,stopps holding a charge ,which costs (most of the time )more than the unit itself
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I dont break down the transformer. The ones i get have the EI inserts, so i cant easily break them open like jackschmuc shows in his videos. It would also waste a $1.99 cutoff disk if i tried to cut them, and i dont have a band saw. I took a few in to the local yards and i think one wanted to give me $0.20 for them as motor. Another yard first said they wouldnt take them with the steel, but then offered 0.12 lb. anyway. I laughed and said no thanks. Wished i had a local yard that knows a bit more than how to crush a car, but i'm working on educating the ones i do have. All good guys, just not outside the box thinkers (yet). My biggest problem now is finding a buyer for my power supplies. Have a guy 1.5 hours north that will pay .25-.31 per pound for them with wires attached. I dont feel like driving that far, but seems i have to as my local guys look at them funny and want to pay me shred price. I have almost a pickup truck load so maybe i need to make the drive.
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I took in a battery pack from one of these last week. I got $36! $12 a pound. It was a pleasant surprise since the yard usually only pays $8 for regular car batteries.
How many batteries were in the pack? The normal numer I find is 2 or 4 of those small sealed batteries. I wonder why so much more for what you brought in. Mike.
"Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}
Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked
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