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Big transformers

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
  1. #1
    CanIScrapIt started this thread.
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    Big transformers

    Today I got a call from someone at an electricians shop about 9 old UPS battery backup units taken out of a hospital. I snagged all 9 for $40. Unfortunately, there are no batteries, and the thick power cable has already been snipped. In these units, however, there is a HUGE transformer, probably about 50 lbs, 12"x8"x6". I can sell these as is to my yard for about .28/lb, or I could dismantle them and sell the #2 copper for 2.40/lb. My question is, are these huge transformers easily dismantled, or should I sell them as is? Also, I recall seeing a thread on here (couldn't locate using search) stating that some of the bigger transformers are worth more than scrap. Could this be the case here?

    Hopefully I didn't make a bad deal, this is my first time purchasing something like this. I mean, in each one, there is about 40 lbs of shred steel, 50 lbs CBM, 3 LBS extruded AL, and 4 lbs non PC boards. Sold all as is at my scrap yard, that will get me about $20 each, but these are all ball-parked weights. cable ends - gold plated?

    Yeah that's great and all...but...CAN I SCRAP IT!?

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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  3. #3
    CanIScrapIt started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
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    Detroit Metro, Michigan
    Thanked 58 Times in 15 Posts
    Thank you! MAJOR help! Well, each transformer is about 80 lbs, making them worth about $20 as a full transformer. If 40 lbs of that is copper, and the other 40 is shred, they are worth about $100 a piece. I don't think these transformers would sell used for $100, let alone $20. Even if they would sell for more than $20 a piece, I would still need to spend time finding a buyer, packing them, shipping them, driving them to UPS, storing them, etc. It just makes sense to scrap them. I am going to try the method mentioned in the thread above on one of these to see if I can get the copper out.

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