You could, but me personally never had no luck. I dont like evilbay, so didnt bother trying that. But have tried craigslist, paper shop, and local paper to no avail. Never sold anything. Im still sitting on the control boards from 6 vending machines I broke down a month ago, not one bite. I even had a 7th complete manual vending machine with no key, not one call.
I usually rip them down for all motors, wiring, switches, etc. Strip the wire and copper motors. Alu motors go into motor pile which u should know. Break the switches down for brass. Then when I get time I cut the compressors open with torch and free the copper. I usually break the average appliance down in 10mins or less. One thing to note is some older washers got all aluminum transmissions and connecting pieces. So may be worth to break those apart, but the oil is sticky like molasses and stinks to high hog heaven.
So I wish you the best of luck,but in this economy people who has money aint spending and most dont. Last thought is maybe try a appliance shop to see if they need any used parts. There is a dude by me who fixes and resells used appliances. I usually run 10 yr old appliances or newer to him. He usually buys them 25 a pop for parts or resell. Might be a option there.