Enoch, thanks so much for your response. This is EXACTLY what I was asking. I actually have a box of stuff that is as you describe as low grade boards but seem to have gold on them. Me and my wife also watch tv while doing the final scrapping steps or other things like stripping wire or cutting off cable ends.

Thanks again,

Quote Originally Posted by Enoch43 View Post
Reelman...I have been doing much the same thing you are, except I am hoarding gold plated metal such as pins and etc.

I don't devalue boards, but whenever I find gold plated pins on small components, I pull them. One example is the IDE connectors on 3.5" drives. Often they are very nice pins, fully plated, attached to a junky brown board. Rather than sell the whole drive for pennies a pound, I pop off that connector and then toss it into my shred pile. Then, at my leisure, I go at a pile of connectors with a small set of clippers and needle nose pliers while watching television. The primary reason I save these is to build up a decent amount of feed stock for a reverse plating cell. These are easy to build, and easy to run. After filtering the product, one could either break out the real chemistry and refine it to 99.99% pure Au, or take the lazy way out and melt it into a button that will stand up to an acid test, and could therefore be used in TEOTWAWKI trade as caret gold.

Here is a pic of what I have piled up recently......