Thanks Mech. I should have been more descriptive than "Low Grade". What I meant was boards that appear to have a higher amount of PMs but not enough boards to wrestle with the buyer over grading. (Like Floppy drives, brown key pads, some green and brown boards, antennae parts like enoch showed. Smalltimers like me often get lots of weird stuff that appears to have PMs but always only a few of a type.)

Yep, I joined the GRF a few weeks ago, I will probably never refine, but I love the site and people there. TONS of great info.

Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
Low-grade cannot have gold on them. If they do have any gold that would make them mid or hi grade depending on the amount of it and any IC chips.
If your still curious about refining and want to at least read about it this place probably has more experts and wanta-be's than anyplace else on the web.