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Industrial/Commercial light fixtures

| Dismantling, Breaking Down & Maximizing Scrap
  1. #1
    Mick started this thread.
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    Industrial/Commercial light fixtures

    I'd posted about getting these from an electrical contractor. Then KZBell got some at an auction. Then I got to thinking there might be others who get an opportunity for some and knowing scrap potential would help with bidding for them. So here are some weights of various components (didn't get them all).

    They were all the same basic size. Some had glass globes and some were plastic (replacement for broken glass?). The aluminum base came to two shapes but about the same weight.

    Overall weight was 31.5 pounds:

    The globe is either glass or plastic. The glass in the first picture is heavier than the second. I'm guessing the first at 30# and the second at 20#. There is a wire frame around the smaller globe that may be stainless steel but is magnetic so, for me, it goes as Light Iron. Weight - maybe 2#.

    The white "base" is cast aluminum and houses the transformer. This half with the transformer weighed 17.5#. The whole transformer weighed 12#.

    The "T" core is many sheet of thin iron and weighs 4.5#. Sorry but I didn't get a weight for the "L" shaped iron on the outside of the copper windings.

    The copper totaled 3.25#

    Hope this helps somebody.
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  3. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Thanks for starting this Mick...These fixtures are power hogs and I think many schools and such that use them will be converting to more energy efficient fluorescent fixtures, so keep on eye out for them. The ones I got are a little different but the guts are basically the same.

    First off, they do take up a lot of space so plan for that when hauling. I started by separating the cage from the globe (plastic). I was hoping for magnetic SS but was dreaming and so shred it was, screws were SS though. There was a 2 piece shroud that held fixture to top of globe .5# each but one went painted alum and other went dirty alum.

    Cast alum cover on transformer the breaks down quickly and here is a pic of my transformer still in cast alum housing.

    I took my cages in the other day to declutter a bit and I took a transformer in the housing just to see what it would bring. They took it as 24# Copper Bearing Motor @ .30 for $7.20.
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  5. #3
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    I figure a fixture broke down and transformer turned in as a motor will net about $9 for the ones I have and if you break down transformer you could increase net by 30-40%. Six of the fixtures I have are complete with 110v plugs that work so I will try to sell them first for $40-50, even at half that it's still more then scrap value.

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  7. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I had about 40-50 of these lights that came out of a school. They all had all. globs/shades but the rest of the parts were the same as the ones shown. Made seral hundred dallors on them.

  8. #5
    MelRay's Avatar
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    (I figure a fixture broke down and transformer turned in as a motor will net about $9 for the ones I have and if you break down transformer you could increase net by 30-40%.)

    They look like they would be a pain to get the transformer out. Any suggestions as to the best method?

  9. #6
    Mick started this thread.
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    The transformer in mine were held in with four bolts. Simply use a socket (I think it was 5/16ths). I used a battery powered drill.

    Not sure how kZBell's were held in.

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  11. #7
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    My transformer looks to be entombed in epoxy?(no bolts or screws), So I'm not sure if I'm going to have to break housing apart to get at it or if I heat them up they will pop out.

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  13. #8
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    Aluminum Windings in Commercial or Industrial Lights

    So I screwed up in a few different ways. The first assuming(yea I know) the windings in my transformers were going to be copper, the ones I had(lights) appeared to have been around for a while and at 21# each I just figured there was no way the were aluminum. Simple scratch test would have told me what it was for sure instead of being an ass and going off the weight. Well after much debate I decided to turn in as CBM today and that's when things went south. Aluminum instead of copper and epoxy holding everything together = at least 1/2 of what I had hoped to bank. Live and learn, still made money, just not as much and I hope someone else reads this and bids and project profit better then I did.

  14. #9
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    Better news on my light gig today. Guy came and bought the 6 that I had that were 110 plug in ready for $150. Everything has been processed now and gone.

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  16. #10
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    Congrats on the happy ending. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  17. #11
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    Did they take yours as electric motor rate?

  18. #12
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    No, didn't get CBM. Can't remember the exact price...somewhere in between shred and CBM.

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