okay, i started saturday morning worked a good part of the day and worked sunday morning and just a little bit this morning, im gonna say i worked for 12 hours on these this weekend
old cast alum 194lbs 56cents 108.64
brass breakage 10lbs 83cents 8.30
yellowbrasshoney 112lbs 1.88 210.56
2 copper 3lbs 3.00 9.00
304stainless 9lbs 78cents 7.02
old sheet alu 11lbs 58cents 6.38
3 car batteries 29.96
total total total total total total total 379.86

after you take the batteries off about 350 $$$$$$ or almost 30 an hour cash, thats what i make at my job on 1 1/2 then they tax the scrap out of it. not sure why i didnt get number 1 on my copper i didnt notice until i typed this up but it was only 3 lbs so im out a whole 50 or 60 cents so ill be okay on that. there was around 10 large alum tanks and a few smaller ones on the cast. ive got lots more broke down to the nozzle stage and lots more than that to knock out of the tanks, plus eventually ill have to cut steel tanks in half, i do a few every now and then and toss em in the trunk of a car. anyway been a good day i scrapped two cars, still got two cats a radiator a battery and about $6 in loose change from the cars plus the fire extinguishers, all this done by myself my partner had his kids this weekend and is at work today. hope everyones weekend was as productive as mine or even more im taking a break the rest of the day at least i say so ill slip up and accidently do some work afterwhile