Always been told if you put the work in the rest Kinda works itself out
Always been told if you put the work in the rest Kinda works itself out
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OK it's 4 am and I kinda skimmed the posts so some of this may have been said on other replies.
GET SAFETY GEAR gloves, faceshields (at least safety glasses), steel toe boots. You aint gonna be scrapping much if you lose your sticky out parts
Watch out for air conditioners, refrigerators, water coolers, freezers. Theres regulations on disposing of freon.
Watch out for TVs learn to discharge the capacitors they can kill. And have a place to get rid of the lead coated screens in TVs (environmental hazard that some yards do not take)
Search the posts there's a lot of good info here.
If I see something on Craigslist thats free (curb alert) and I go for it - I print the CL page to take with me in case there's any question.
First I thought "message TLDR", but curiousity/replies here got me though.
For suburb scrapping, a simple angle-grinder is my most handy tool.
I only use it between about 8:30AM (later on weekends) and about 6 or 7pm.
My storage (I later got) has 24hr. access, and a plug one door down.
Oh, I also chose a unit in the middle, between where the rental trucks park, so it would be difficult for a tow-truck (since even though it's 24Hr. access, 24hr parking is no-no).
My attitude is in direct relation to $$$ I make as well.
"Never give up a half mile before the miracle" I say , and it's worked out many times,
(Including THIS morning...)
I have found certain conditions to be "fools' gold" where I thought I'd make money,
but later abandoned for more efficient practices.
That stuff ONLY comes with experience to learn though.
That's what it's all about for me is working smarter, as well as working hard.
doing EVERYTHING as efficiently as possible.
I had a 10x20 storage, realized I was only using part of (although it was nice), during winter time I only used about as much as one or two pick-up bed loads.
Got a 5x10 (1/4th the size) ...I can pay the difference and get the former whenever I want.
This post makes me gratefull I was taught full-time scrap by working with a real scrapper/ hussler. Although I've had to drop some bad- (illegal, or plain immoral, bad for business) habits he taught me. We've gone our own ways now, and I knew I was learning a new trade, did plenty for him in return during that time.
Anyway, there's ALWAYS money in scrap for me. With experience it is quicker to obtain,
as well as MANY levels, and areas for making $$$.
Last night while out of town, visiting relatives, in MINUTES snagged car body parts, metal chairs, a radiator, etc. etc. within minutes from behind the apt. dumpsters.
While changing my truck oil, wife laughed and was happy.
($$$ will change their mind once it starts coming and they become supportive even).
Made one stop at my favorite thrift-store on way home, picked up a tread-mill,
aluminum cook-ware etc. etc. etc. from their junk-pile (they know me,and other scrappers now, and leave stuff out). I am "cursed" to work some form of scrap for life,
(while Making extra-money atleast now).
Combined with my morning to go do some disassembly now.
I'll try to update with how much I make today (between goofing around, visiting my children and looking at CL motorcycle ads)
Oh, good idea: start saving ALL your rcpt.s from scrap-yard, storage rcpt.s,
tools, tool accessories , safety gear purchases, pay-outs for scrap,
(gas rcpt.s are no big deal since standard mileage will be higher probably, keep track of odometer though).
With these a married person ,especially with children will get money back on taxes IF income is below something like 49, 000 (combined with wife's income of course)...
I'm waiting on a little bit (enough for couple months rent anyway)
(now you know I didn't make over that, heck, first year full-time though, next year I expect...quality of living was great).
Reply too long, but one time in summer I worked so hard I fell out in the back yard and couldn't move. (" Muscle myalgia and Dehydration") ...Five cops somehow showed up, searched my truck in front for drugs (first, before attention), asked me what I was on?
Told them I worked to hard, couldn't get up, in PAIN...they laughed, drove me to emergency room like a taxi or something...that part was nice.
Now, I've worked household moving for several summers and NEVER had that happen!
With what I've learned it won't again! Lucky to found this forum, (another step up).
Whenever you want to make a job change you have to do your homework. Is the job right for you, do I have the right tools, will I make money, what do I need to do to make it work, and the big question how much do you love it? If you love doing it you will succeed!!
(Hate to bring this back up, but the current recent post is stupid too anyway)
Here goes, for the couple hours (or one) actual "work" besides driving,Originally Posted by myself
I made $88 yesterday.
-I also found a like new electric weed whacker (Dad was complaining about his so I'll prob. ship it to him as surprise).
-ALSO: I "curb-shopped" a Mag-liner brand aluminum two wheel dolley, with fold out wheels (for four wheeler use, awesome dolley)...about 40lb.s aluminum alone, but I'll need one when I move.
-Also , Probably because I was posting here, ran out of time, and have a bunch of "55 copper" (bucket o' power cords) , And some more alum. to clean, and some more steel (wouldn't fit) in storage today still.
Well even with that, I am gearing up for the next step.
This is ford ranger size scrapping still. I scrap EVERYTHING scrappable I come across,
IF there's nothing, I pick up cans, stuff them in a 'recycled' trash bag or whatever, walk into the woods and grab rusty steel, waste of time type scrapping.
I now have a f-150 with tow hitch for trailer,
capable of tow-dolley/car carrier rental for $40-$50 (from U-Haul until I buy one).
Haven't built the wood sides yet. (I park in suburbs too so I plan on hinges on the back wall for removal and storage, flat).
Soon I will have business cards, a scale capable of 440lb.s so I can pay auto service shops, etc. for scrap metal.
If I have to , and scrappers may hate me for thinking this, but I'm perfectly happy with steel prices alone, so only IF I really had to, I could pay for aluminum, copper even . the equivalent profit for myself as steel on pick-up from shops, and still make more $$$ than my current operation.
Problem is I'm set on moving to Florida soon so I keep using my Ranger tiny mini-trucking
I could still build my route here, get legitimate business license, whatever insurance ...and actually SELL my route to somebody as a business when I move! LOL...another thought. Possible though. ...Efficiency!
(I inherited a little bit of $ recently, tax return, thinking of selling the Harley too, so it's like shifting gears manually, OFF gas, clutch, shift up!).
...D*MN! another D*MN long reply...didn't intend on.
Garage cleaning today, (I am really moving soon).![]()
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It takes time and patience. My husband and I have been doing it for, I would say 6 months or more now. At first it was a little here a little there. Then we created a pattern. Go out on days people put out their trash, make connections with local businesses, put ads up, drive around, be positive and make it happen!
Make sure you have all the right tools first, always keep a pair of gloves handy (although personally I hate gloves), and know what you are looking at, what is in it, and how it will make you money.
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I know lying is wrong, but if the elephant man came in now in a blouse with some make up on, and said, "How do I look?" Would you say, bearing in mind he's depressed and has respiratory problems, would you say, "Go and take that blusher off you mis-shapened elephant tranny?" No. You'd say, "You look nice... John""
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Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
John Terrell (248) 224-2188
Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329
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If you have a car, and not a lot of space, I suggest E-Scrapping to start. Then "Upgrade" to a van. Van works as both a scrap vehicle, and a storage spot.
You can make as much money scrapping computers as you can scrapping copper, and a lot of guys will trip over a 486 pc to pick up a 3" copper pipe. I've tried a ton of different business Ideas. My fiance like E-scrapping the best. I can do it anywhere, doesn't take up a bunch of space (Sometimes) the turnover is as quick as I want it to be, and every part gets moved on, and I get paid for. (PLastic Aside)
I have a pickup truck, full size chevy. But when i have a larger load I borrow a trailer, or rent a $20 U-Haul for the day.
I thought her eyes were big when she saw the truckbed full of E-Waste..her eyes were bigger when I left the house with 3 totes full of PC boards and came home with a check for over $500. Start small and re-invest your $$, make some more, and re-invest it. If you want o make it to the big time, you'll need big time tools...There's nothing more fun than working for 3 months and seeing all of the tools you got for "Free"
It's going to take some hard work. You're going to get some funny looks. People are going to ask you a Zillion Questions.....but use each one as n opportunity to "Sell yourself"!!
“Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison
I drive down the road look left and right. There is money on both sides of the road.
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I scrap on the side and thought when I first started I would tick off the fiance, especially when I was using her Kia Sorento. She went to the scrap yard with me to drop off some copper and was amazed when the guy handed over $300 to me. I handed over half to her and said "Here Honey...Have fun with it!". Well, she now spots for me!! LOL
I also worried about the neighbors with all of the banging and grinding in my one car garage at nights. The weather has been nice and I was out in the street talking to 2 of my neighbors and come to find out that they scrap on the side also! One even told me to come use his trailer anytime if I needed it. I just ordered a receiver hitch for the KIA and actually in the hunt for a trailer of my own.
I've learned to just keep looking, talking to people, and checking in on this forum. It has been most valuable to me!
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