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Looking for a ground connection

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  1. #1
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Looking for a ground connection

    Can't find anything that answers my question. I tried.

    I'm about to pull apart my first TV. I can't find a ground on this particular model. Using the screwdriver-and-wire "system," can I use a heatsink for a ground to check the high voltage system?

    I've never had a problem finding a ground on a monitor.

  2. #2
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    I use my car. Pop the hood and find a bolt to attach to.

  3. #3
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Eventually, I usually figure things out one way or another. I must have been using the wrong search words because all my google searches kept taking me to the "proper way" to discharge the CRT. I wanted to use the screwdriver method.

    The TV is indoors. I'm not taking it outside to my car to find a ground. It's heavy. It's also cold outside. Ain't happening.

    But finally, I dumbed down my search and found the info I needed. So now I know how to find a ground in a TV when I don't see anything grounded and no ground symbols on the circuit board.

    Thanks anyway.

    Now I have to figure out how to get the yoke off. No screws & clamps holding it down. It's glued to the CRT. Never saw any videos or read anything about a TV like this one.
    Last edited by billygoat; 03-09-2012 at 04:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    billygoat, if you have a grounded power receptacle you can make up a clip to ground to it, or throw a ground stake out the window into the ground and run a wire into your work area to clamp onto. If your in a garage with the power receptacles run in conduit, you can even run a ground clamp up and clamp onto the conduit. It'll feed out to the earth ground. I mentioned in an older thread that you can get a motorola plug and jack and mount the jack in a blank wall cover for a recept. Connect your ground wire to the motorola plug, and feed a ground wire from a ground rod to the motorloa jack in the wall. When you need a ground, just plug in and clamp the other end to the screwdriver.
    Male plug,,

    Female wall jack.,just mount into a plastic wall cover for a recept.
    Now I have to figure out how to get the yoke off. No screws & clamps holding it down. It's glued to the CRT. Never saw any videos or read anything about a TV like this one.
    Probably held down by the plastic 3 finger diddies that are some times screwed onto the neck. If it's glued down just gently start a screwdriver under the edge of the yoke and gently pry up. The glue should release.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 03-10-2012 at 01:14 AM.
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  6. #5
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    Electrical ground that you should be looking for in a tv can be the the copper part of the brown board. Its a common ground you are looking for. If you heard a "snap" when you make contact then you got it. If I were standing next to you it would be easy for both of us.

    Next the search on this forum for 3 letter or less words does not work. So if you look for vcr, tv, crt, it does not work. I have had some luck using google search with "scrapmetalforum" inserted in the end of the search bar.

    Our member Hoss has taken apart hundreds perhaps thousands so if I had a crt/tv question I would pm him.

    I waited to answer this in hopes someone with more experince would but I think the others may have missed the mark or perhaps I did. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #6
    billygoat started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    The glue should release.
    It didn't. I got the outer copper that's wound around the ferrite out okay, but the inner copper yoke is glued with a super-duper glue that just won't budge. I got half of it out by prying super hard while using my foot to keep the TV from sliding. Broke the tip of the tube (the clear part at the end) and there are even a few bits of glass stuck to the glue on the yoke. Left the other half there. There is so much gunk stuck to the copper that I don't even know how to turn it in. Next trip to the yard I'll show it to the guy and ask if it's okay to turn it in with my motors. If I can find my camera I'll post a picture of it.

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