I read a post here where someone said that the 'dip switches have little gold balls in them".
Interesting, lotsa little gold balls equals one bigger gold ball.....
So I found one, pulled it open & sure enough, there was a row of little gold balls & the metal tags they had have a single sided gold layer on them.
This sort.
I found another, with a levered switch on it & pulled it apart & yep, gold plated metal bar contactor & gold plated contacts on the legs.
A few nights ago I dumpster dived a industrial electronics shop & found a AC motor speed controller & some industrial switchgear (and a weird but interesting pump).
The AC motor controller was really interesting for a while, **** hard to get into, rule of thumb was to undo every screw possable & that lead to problems as some needed to be done up so parts could be pulled off it....
This is sorta what it looked like.
Inside was a nice row of gold plated dipswitches & a really nice 2 inch square, seeminly double sided gold plated PCB with a bunch of heavy transisters with silver wires attached to them, just like the common home stereo amp has.
The golds sorta pixilated, but looking closely its a real bright but 'tiley' looking, could be described as 'fish scalely' too. Both sides.....
Along with a 1Lb Ali heatsink. Yay.
The contactor had a lot of copper plated steel parts in it, only a few real copper parts.
But those had a 10mm square silver contact on each end.
So, 3 of them = 6, + the contacts they touch, = 12 silver contacts!