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1st junk car

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  1. #1
    Russell started this thread.
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    1st junk car

    Tore down a friends tempo. He has lot of mechanical abilities. He wants to start a repair shop. I suggested with what I know about scrapping and his knowledge we might make some real money junking cars...We've been friends for about 10 years now. We learned a mountain of information today from each other and had a lot of fun doing the tear down.

    I have 3 questions for the pros. First, how much of the wiring do you all rip out? We ripped out everything we could reach including under the dash and hood. Secondly where do you sell the cats? Lastley, do you sell the computers, if so where?

    Thank you all kindly, this forum has been very helpful, Russell.

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    1- I personally only rip the stuff under the hood
    2- Many local yards will buy the cats-Being in chicago just google it.
    3- Yes i sell the computers- Look in the buyer/seller section on the fourm and you will find one.

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  4. #3
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    No I dont mess with the wiring but I am going to start cutting the battery cables and saving them. I know a guy who pays me good for cats and he's very fair and can look at any cat and tell you what car it came off of and how much it's worth. Last week he paid me 400 bucks for 5 cats. I usually don't take the time to find the computer and sell it but depending on how much it's worth I will, also whenever I get a junk vehicle I do a quick eBay completed search just to see how much stuff has sold for and if I see a part that sold for a huge amount I go and remove it and sell it on eBay but make sure it functions properly I only sell small stuff that's easy to ship I usually don't sell parts on Craigslist I don't know why i just don't but I should.
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

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