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broke down an electrical braker box (a large one) today and this is what I got out it. (1) yelloa brass 1.75 lbs. (2) #1 copper 1.55 lbs. (3) #2 copper 13.80 lbs. and about 100 lbs. of steel. Always check these boxes becouse the copper looks like aluminum, they have a silver looking coating on them.
A few years ago i got ahold of a giant electrical box. It was OLD. And really BIG. About four feet wide & five feet tall. Had a big black slab that had all the electrical parts mounted to. It was almost like ceramic. Like you said it had a strange thin white metal coating on it. I took an electrical sander to it to get it all off. I got a big old rectangular bar of copper about half an inch thick & nearly two feet wide out of it along with brass and some aluminum blocks that had spots in it to hold very thick cable. The bare copper is a strange pink-like color (after I sanded off the thin white metal coating). Any idea what it is exactly?