Theres silver or silver/copper contacts in the switches, timer module & actually on the motor, which I can't find out if its copper or ali windings.
I like those motors though, Its a Aluminium housing glued (Glued!!!) to the iron core.
Use safety specs, gloves, earmuffs & a large hammer & the Ali housing breaks up into the Ali & the Iron core with the windings attached.
Cut the wire loops off one end (after you have checked to see if its Copper or Ali. If its Ali, don't bother pulling it apart any more, sell it as 'motors')
& pull the rest of the windings out, remove any insulation & string & add it to the rest of your bare Copper wire.
Yah might get 2Lbs of copper #2.
Although those motors come in a few different lengths, which affects the amount of copper in them a lot.
The Ali castings have to have all other metal removed from them before selling, ie remove any screws & bearings etc.