Originally Posted by
Old thread I know but I always use the heat gun to desolder ceramic gold capped
chips like these. My thought being, if I can get $80 to $100 a pound for something
off the board or $4 to $6 a pound leaving it on the board that chip is coming off.
Especially if it only take four to five minutes of my time.
I get paid relatively the same whether the high value chip is on the board or off
it when selling telecom boards in quantity. At most $2.00 a pound difference.
So, why not keep a few extra dollars in my pocket if I have the time and a
well ventilated place to do it. DO NOT do this indoors unless you have a fume hood
as it may cause some serious health issues.
Well lets assume this based on his weights for gold chips.
45 = 1 pound
Well estimate each board at 2 pounds each.
For estimates sake well say he gets $6 with them on and $4 with them pulled
He receives 2 chips per board.
So it make 1 pound he removed them from 22.5 boards
Well say it takes him 5 mins per board to take both chips off and get the next board ect. So it will take him 72.5 minutes of work.
Now 22.5 boards would have netted him a straight $270
Well since we took of the chips they now net him $176 bucks
But now he has 1 pound of CPU's at $100 per pound.
Well add 100+176 and we got a whopping $276 bucks
So he would have made $6 for pulling them off in this scenario, or roughly $0.07 cents per minute or $5.76 per hour.
Not to mention the fumes and other toxic things the person would have enjoyed breathing in.