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I did my research and I want to verify my results.

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  1. #1
    hosshoss started this thread.
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    I did my research and I want to verify my results.

    OK so I have been doing some reading. I think I have found the correct answers. I don't want to be the newbie with all the questions so I am just looking for a little reassurance that the info I think I have found is on the right track.

    1. Power supplies and things are going to be worth more money broken down, based solely on the value of the materials. Obviously time is an issue, but solely(That is a word that I had to look at a lot to get spelled right) on the materials it is worth more apart.

    2. Eproms and IC's are worth about the same, look basically the same on boards and should be taken off of low grade circuit boards.

    3. The things connecting all aluminum heatsinks are transisters and are sold as #2 copper. I am assuming they should be taken off of all low grade too.

    4. All CRT boards are low grade and all boards that are not green on both sides are low grade. Besides those crazy colored ones.

    5. Motherboards, no matter the type, shouldn't be touched at all, save for the finger boards and RAM attached, and the CPU's. All the other copper stuff and sinks and things should all be left on there since they are worth less than the board is. Obviously any wires and ribbons too.

    Ok I am sorry for this. Like I said I have done my homework so I am not asking for answers. I believe I have found the answers. If I have done my research incorrectly if you could just tell me what number is not correct and I will do the research some more.

    I can understand the frustration with repeat questions so I am trying not to be the annoying newbie, but I hope you can appreciate how much it helps the newbie to get that vote of confidence that what they just found out is actually the correct thing.

    I want to start out from the beginning doing this the right way.

    Thanks again and you can ban me if I have become the annoying one already.

    P.S. Is it wrong to add at the end here HOW AWESOME THE PITTSBURGH PIRATES ARE DOING FOR A CHANGE!!!!???

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  3. #2
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    PA wont make the playoffs...

    N everything depends on ur buyer..

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  5. #3
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    I completely agree that power supplies are worth more broken down.

    Although, if you get to the point where you are breaking down 50 plus towers at a time and have to do it quick in order make room for your next load, you will simply run out of time.

    I used to break down power supplies and it wasnt too bad when i got 5 to 10 towers at a time. I used to think the guys claiming they arent worth it were crazy. But now i just do not have the time break them down, or the space to keep until i do have time.

    On the boards, my yard pays $2 for motherboard, so if i get a foreign board everything stays on because they dont care. If i am mailing a board off i take off the battery, heatsinks, and anything else that isnt soldered on.

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  7. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Some of the IC's are just too small but the larger ones are worth the time.
    I 2nd 41's sentiment on the power supplies.
    Most (not all) buyers want the batteries removed from motherboards.
    On #4- as your pulling the good stuff from the low grade boards, look around on the boards and you might see a random part that has a gold plating on it. Examples are maybe pins from a plug-in, legs of certain transistors, etc. You might spot random gold bits during the stripping process.

    Good job researching for the answers. Their here but like mushrooms, kind of hard to find.
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  9. #5
    hosshoss started this thread.
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    Thanks for your replies and reassurance. You are right mechanic, it is almost like an onion, you have to peel off a couple of layers of threads before you find your answers. Just like anything persistence pays off.

    Yes as I have been going through the low grade there seems to be some with some gold connector pins on the sides. I am guessing I should be taking them off too.

    As I have only been getting in a couple computers at a time the power supplies haven't been overwhelming at all.

    Has anyone ever come across a tv with NO degaussing cable on it. I hope I didn't just miss it on a couple of older tv's I have done.

    Thanks again.

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosshoss View Post
    Has anyone ever come across a tv with NO degaussing cable on it. I hope I didn't just miss it on a couple of older tv's I have done.

    Thanks again.
    I've run across a rare one where I had to pull the tube out to locate it

  12. #7
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Like Mechanic said, check with your buyer of high grade before you send them in. Include pictures if you have to. That comes in handy if I don't know what to call something. I just snap a picture with my phone and upload it to my computer, then use Paint to circle something or make an arrow. My buyer of high grade boards wants me to take off excess steel, batteries and aluminum.

    And yes, it is pretty awesome how the Pirates are doing. I jumped on the bandwagon about the time Coonelly and Huntington arrived and found their rebuilding system interesting. I enjoy going to the Piratefest every year when I can. By the way, Garrett Jones played for my hometown AAA team before joining the Pirates system.

  13. #8
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosshoss View Post
    5. Motherboards, no matter the type, shouldn't be touched at all, save for the finger boards and RAM attached, and the CPU's. All the other copper stuff and sinks and things should all be left on there since they are worth less than the board is. Obviously any wires and ribbons too.

    Most any buyer will want the heat sinks batteries and wires removed from the motherboards.
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  15. #9
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Don't forget to take the processor off the mother boards, they are located under the large heat sink. Always check with your buyer before taking anything off any boards even low grade. Don't be afraid to ask questions, this a forum to help people learn. Do you take anything off of the boards you pull out of power supplies? I leave everything on those boards and get a little more than low grade but that will depend on your buyer. Yes I brake down all power supplies and DVD drives. As far mother boards go I take off all heat sinks and steel. You did good with your research. Best of luck to you.

  16. #10
    jghilino's Avatar
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    on power supplies i just cut the wiring off and load all of them into a empty case and sell it as shred, i dont think its worth it for 30 cents more, my time is worth more than that
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  18. #11
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    Power supplies. Some yards buy them whole, with or without wires. I have been selling them at .20 a pound for the last year. (Without wires)

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  20. #12
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    Jghilino, is $.30 really what you get extra from breaking down power supplies? If so, there's no way I'm breaking down another one.

  21. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinajunkman View Post
    Jghilino, is $.30 really what you get extra from breaking down power supplies? If so, there's no way I'm breaking down another one.
    Some power supplies Can be resold..

    I save em for a rainy day..or a rainy month for me n my broken ankle..

    Ive broken down 70 or so in the last week...they do suck to tear down, but once u get on a roll they are not too bad..Not a $$$ maker, but keeps ya busy with a decent return

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  23. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrappy888 View Post
    Some power supplies Can be resold..
    I save em for a rainy day..or a rainy month for me n my broken ankle..
    Ive broken down 70 or so in the last week...they do suck to tear down, but once u get on a roll they are not too bad..Not a $$$ maker, but keeps ya busy with a decent return
    The biggest PITA is having to clean the aluminum heatsinks with the little nuts on the back of them, I hate doing those.
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