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Board grading - Page 4

| E-Waste Grading and Identification
  1. #61
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsamsonite View Post
    We would do that many times, if the t-bone steak was on sale and not the porterhouse we would mark the porterhouse as a t-bone to give it the sale price. The porterhouse is a more valued steak (it has the filet on it) but, usually the t-bone and porterhouse are marked as the same price or almost the same price. I do think though, that we have been using the wrong analogies of retail of goods such as meats and you mentioned earlier the retail of gas. None of us have a retail store of ewaste that we sale to customers. A better analogy for the meat industry would be not at the retail level but the prices that the grocery companies pay the slaughter houses for the meats. When buying from slaughter houses, they make all sorts of deals with mixed lots and the prices vary from deal to deal.
    This is so very true Sam. We're not talking retail or wholesale, how many tons, pounds, or ounces, but more in PPM, which declines almost on a daily basis, as quickly as they can manufacture it with less, it's a done deal. That is the direction it's come from and gone. Even though it took a real nosedive at some point around 2001/2002(I've seen that date discussed in another thread), it was already, and still is, the principal behind it. When personal computers cost ten grand there was more to that than mere technology.
    Compaq paid a mere one million to rewrite the IBM boot code so they could proceed to make them cheaper(while making more profit), but tech was not the only thing behind it being done cheaper, it was also in lessening the components PM ingredients, less cost in, more profit out. As gold prices went up, its use in manufacturing these components went down. As manufacturing techniques were "improved" it did the same, no matter the price, date, or technique, it's usage has steadily declined. This is the very reason boards from the 70s are richer than the 80s, and 90s are richer than the ones after it, etc and on it goes.
    When with each passing day they make it with less, how is it that entire decades do not seem to count

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