I recommend you go outside......
And retake photos in better lighting. Ijs.
First pics I took, the flash ruined it. So these are pics with my finger over the flash.
The CPU is embedded in the motherboard. The heat sink is Gold plated Copper.
Looks like a laptop mobo.... What brand and model?
The only other gold plated heat sink I have ever seen was over on grf, and that one was a standard tower sized sink. Nice find!!!
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.” John Wayne-- The Shootist
gold plated copper makes sense. It is heavy. So what is it worth to a buyer? Where do I put it?
I don't have a gold plated copper bucket..... yet
It was in a Toshiba satellite laptop. early 90s.
Not sure of worth but start an " OMG its gold bucket" and fill it up.
Just don't get blinded by the gold.
The "OMG its.....bucket" copywrited by Sirscrapalot.
I had one out of the same type of machine, cant remember what it sold as.
My fortune cookie said:
You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.
If you had a decent amount of this same material, you could probably see 50-60.00 per pound on ebay.
that's a new challenge to find today I have a few older models in my laptop wall of omg I got to tear these apart
Wow I haven't seen one of those in a while!!! they come out of Gateway solo 2000's. I had about 20 of them from a local transfer station that collected them from a school. They sure are pretty
remember the ™ people!
Look for the new 3 day sale on OMG IT"S GOLD™ buckets!
Sirscrapalot - I should start selling them on overnight tv...
Maybe Ebay SirS... Oops sorry
You know better BC..../dons his Ebay fanboy repellent suit.
Good thing I got flameproof underroos..I feel much rage in my direction.
An I'm digging the gold plate Parker.
Sirscrapalot - In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. - Carl Jung
Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 02-23-2014 at 10:19 PM. Reason: Bleh, wrong topic referenced..fixed. Sober posting is no friend of mine
I wish I knew how to get a photo up on this; I found one of these awhile back in a liquid cooled tower about double that size and they sure do make the room brighten up!
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