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Coaxial Cable Question. - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faction757 View Post
    It's very rare to find actual copper coax.. Most yards just buy it as steel shred
    Usually Ham, CB radio, and any transmitter tower set-ups will carry good grade copper coax, higher power usually does not like steel clad coax. Also most of the CB coax in semi trucks will be copper.

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  3. #22
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    I have a whole box......Used about 30ft to run cable to my bedroom now I have no use for it.......Have been meaning to check it out!!.....Hopefully real copper but don't know.....If anybody has a use for it and is close you can have it!!

  4. #23
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    Coaxial Cable Question.

    if you get coax from a satellite company it will be copper. if you get coax from a cable company it will be copper clad steel. has to do with how the system works.

  5. #24
    armygreywolf's Avatar
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    Satcom stuff is very low signal strength. The LNB on the dish does nothing to boost the signal but it does strip out the carrier wave so all the receiver gets is the band the signal is on. (satellites pass down MANY MANY bands of signals) it's more technical than that but the idea is because signal strenth is so low they use high quality coax whereas the cable company has the option of turning up the gain at every node if you get crappy signal strength (the box cutting in and out and artifacting pixels)

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  7. #25
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Use a magnet to check!

    I do it with all the coaxial I get. Oddly enough most of what I get is actually copper, an not that crappy steel/copper kind.

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