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  1. #1
    bigburtchino started this thread.
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    Looking for information or advice about Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

    I trying to get my first shipment of circuit boards off to Ohio. Was trying to make a shipment for this week, not going to happen with holiday and my regular work. Still pressing ahead though, only going to do one, under 70 pound box for my first shipment. I just want to see how everything works on both ends before I do a multiple box shipment.

    In this first box I kind of want to mix it up and track different type items. I have several of these VFR (Vacuum Fluorescent Display) boards. The board p/n CU40026 MCPB (?), it is green/green, measures 10 3/8" x 2 1/2", and weighs 9 ounces. The processor side is heavily populated with 13 IC chips, has one tantalum capacitor, one plastic transistor and a 34 pin gold plated connector (+ the usual board components). My question is should I remove the VFR on the other side. I tried the search option here at this site. I also have sent a few emails to (Ohio) and there online chat is not on today. I'm thinking the holiday may have already started. Does anyone have expertise with these VFR boards? I'm thinking the display is more than half the weight and should probably be removed. I don't know what they are made of (glass for sure), other that that I think they are like any vacuum tube. Any help or advice would be appreciated and I thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    If it was me I would remove the "dead weight" (VRF's) as there is almost no value in them.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  4. #3
    bigburtchino started this thread.
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    That's what I thought, was just looking for confirmation. Do you know how that type of board would be graded minus the VFD? I'm going to remove the VFD'S and we well find out one way or another!

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Do you know how that type of board would be graded minus the VFD?
    Those style go in my "I don't know" pile in the box and let the buyer use their discretion. Without seeing it I would say "mid-high". (high end of the mid grade)

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  7. #5
    billygoat's Avatar
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    Take a picture (or two) of it, and ask the buyer. Don't forget to attach the file(s) to the email.

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