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I keep the SAWs in one pile the crystals in another and so on down the line. I have OCD like that though...
I'm doing the same. The steel cased crystals get put aside if I can rip them out with both legs on. I think theres Silver in there but.. well seperate and save them anyway.
The S.A.W's I seperate by style and put them in a plastic lunchbox with lots of dividers in it.
I'm thinking that they will be turned into
escrap jewelry one day.
The Gold soldered SAW's.
I put those boards aside because I figure they are 'high value' boards anyway.
The ones I do take off, get broken 1/2 the time and go in a small pill container. That will get sold/go with my escrap. Which I will be selling soon.
I think the Gold recovery from them will be easyish and a good return for the escrap buyer.