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  1. #1
    Inclusivitytech started this thread.
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    Need an experienced e-scrapper willing to show NOOB the ropes


    I had a job interview a month ago. It was for an e-scrap company. What I was applying for was the refurbish portion. But I saw the scrapping division while I was there. This intrigued me very much. I had looked up videos on how to e-scrap. And was thinking of getting into it. Then when I saw this company I am ready to jump in head first. Although I am starting small. Working out of my home. If I get enough scrap to warrant it. I would be willing to get a place of operations. But right now i have probably 30 laptops and 10 desktops and a few tvs that I am trying to scrap. Im looking for someone that would not mind having email discussions and maybe text and phone conversations to offer advice and answer questions. I have a plethora of questions about board grades, where is best place to sell, is it worth more to actually remove the gold myself or just send the whole fingers, etc. If you love talking about the e-scrap business(which we are on a forum for it so I am guessing you I would love to connect with you. I am from Illinois. but you do not need to be local. I am just wanting someone willing to talk to me about this and guide me so I dont miss out on opportunities and make NOOB mistakes. Feel free to PM me or reply here and I will be in touch.

    Thank you for reading. I hope to hear from some of you.

  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You have taken the first step, signing up here,
    The second step is to start out reading. All the answers are here. Find your favorite starting point and read a little every nite. Ask a question or two to maybe clarify what you have read. Down below where your thread stops is usually a couple of others with related info.
    Good luck and welcome to the forum.

    AND remember, we do not condone refining here, too many ways of hurting yourself without the proper training and equip!
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  4. #3
    Inclusivitytech started this thread.
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    Thank you for your response. Thank you for your concern. I understand the issues with refining. But both my wife and I have a minor in science and chemistry. It's not my concern of safety as we know how to handle the chemicals involved. It whether it is worth the cost of said chemicals warrants doing so or if it's worth missing out on the gold since it's hours and cost.

  5. #4
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    Welcome to the forum. Frankly there is at least one other forum that specializes in refining of PM's. Its not worth it to me to pursue refining PM's it may be to others.

    In my opinion far more can be made selling used computers and computer components. To do so requires study, practice and patience. For me what is left over and can't be sold any other way profitably is sold as scrap.

    I sell the steel, Al, Cu, locally and use some of the buyers here on the forum to sell the remaining ewaste. So please follow Mech's advise above and read the old threads.

    To me the most important thing you will get from reading the old threads is the ability to recognize opportunities you would not other wise. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  7. #5
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    welcome and have fun

  8. #6
    JnJunk's Avatar
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    I am also from Illinois, where abouts are you from in this great state of Illinois....... I am slowing working on my ewaste, Sent my first pallet out in January.

  9. #7
    Mudlucky's Avatar
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    Welcome from Milwaukee...just north of your great state of Illinois

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  11. #8
    tski72's Avatar
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    Good day to you and welcome. I waving to you from the nw suburbs of chi-town. I don't get on here all that much any more but when I do, I will still read some of the old post. you can never read too much. There is always something to learn here and if you can't find it through the search bar, then all you got to do is ask. There are many smart guys on here that will answer. You can PM me also, I always have my phone close at hand. Also, if your somewhere in the northeast part of the state, my e-waste travels have me all over the place within the limits of I80 and north and I39 and east, I would be willing to stop by and chat on this wonderful world of e-waste, many different ways to make money at it full time if you want it.

    May you have many good huntings
    Cleaning up the e-waste one company at a time

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  13. #9
    Hurrikane's Avatar
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    $10.00 per email question. $3.99/minute for phone calls. Paypal accepted.

  14. #10
    Inclusivitytech started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hurrikane View Post
    $10.00 per email question. $3.99/minute for phone calls. Paypal accepted.

    WOOHOO the 900 number of scrapping!! TALK SCRAPPY TO ME!! LMAO

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  16. #11
    mritchie77's Avatar
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    Same boat as me. Started scrapping several months back and I am still saving up enough E-waste to ship out to a buyer on here. Where are ya in Illinois? I am in the NW suburbs of Chicago in Woodstock.

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